Because the SMALLEST thing throws me! This is not a 'Daily Painting' - it's an abstract sunset done a couple of days ago, and it's 11x14, done in acrylics. My actual Daily Painting is loaded in my camera at the studio, which I forgot when I bolted out the door today. See.... yesterday there was this ADORABLE tiny mouse in the DRAIN of my sink - hiding there because he (or she) heard me when I came in, and it couldn't get out. So I left it alone, and washed up in the bathroom sink before I left so I wouldn't disturb it. Well, today I came in and....hmmm... still there, standing on my chunk of brush soap, EATING it. It occurred to me - the mouse COULD not get out of the slop sink! DUH! How thirsty/hungry must it have been to have been drinking the soap water and eating soap??? So, I made a 'ladder' out of scratched cardboard, gave it a little bit of fresh water in a jar top, and bits of muffin and left it to figure it's way out. Only it couldn't even make itself eat or drink, it was so sick and weak from the soap! So as I painted today it slowly DIED - and although I did two daily paintings (the final hydrangea, I promise, and a really different painting after that) I was a little freaked & sad about the (now expired) mouse. So I ran out (with Paco, of course) and left the camera there. I'll grab it tomorrow a.m. and post.
AND I'm celebrating - I have my 100th subscriber!!!! I'm going to have a giveaway next week to celebrate - I'll post a painting and anyone who wants it can email me, I'll put names in a hat and whoever wins gets it for $10 postage. Yay!!!! Thank you all, you are amazing!
Congratulations on your 100th subscriber. Please accept my condolences on your mouse. It's nice that someone cared about him in his final hours. I had a similar situation:(
ReplyDeleteSunset is beautiful.
Oh the poor mouse and so hard on you to watch that little thing expire. I would have forgotten my camera also. well I certainly would love your painting so I will try to do whatever you say to be in the running. Jeanne
ReplyDeleteOh Poor mousie. You are so kind and sweet Kelley. I love your sunset paintings and congrats on youir subscribers. I need to fix my subscriber thingy because I've never been able to get in there to see who mine are :(
ReplyDeleteThat's a really sad story and I can see why it affected you, Kelley. Poor little guy, but you did what you could.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful sunset, Kelley. How sad....and how caring your were.. Congrats on the 100th subscriber.
ReplyDeleteHow exicting your 100th subsriber, that is awesome. You built in ladder, really? You crack me up. Just know the little mouse friend my come back in another life and be a painter.
ReplyDeleteOh...the poor little mouse...but he must have enjoyed looking at your art, otherwise he wouldn't have been there in the first place. And who knows, maybe he liked the taste of the soap and maybe he had a peaceful, sleepy passing...yeah, that's the way I'm going to think of it. It was nice of you to provide the ladder, water, and muffin, and I'm sure he appreciated that.