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Friday, February 22, 2013

In The Pink, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting of a Donut by Kelley MacDonald

$100 & $10 S&H

Some days posting is easier than others.  I've been posting, as of this month, for SIX years!  Over a thousand posts over six years may not sound like much, but I think one thing you can say about me is I have grit. :)

In these 6 years I've had 3 computers (really 2 because do you count the one I spilled water on? - actually the CAT spilled water on it.  See... I was spending too much time typing on a keyboard and not enough time petting the cat...) 5 cameras (you have heard the saga of each one) and a lot of different ways to get the image of the painting on the blog.

Now I have an iPhone and take my photos on it.  Trouble and joy of it is I can edit (crop) the photos right ON THE PHONE.  But you realize how SMALL this image is?  I ended up bad-cropping this painting t-h-r-e-e times.  So when I tell my audience at my Blogging Talks (one coming up 1st week of March in Marshfield) that it takes me 5 minutes to post a blog - tonight is the exception to the rule.  It took forEVER.  Crop, email it to myself, re-crop, re-mail it... you get the gist.
Done boring you.  Have a bite of this Strawberry Donut.  I thought you might be getting sick of the jelly. 


  1. The donut looks yummy!! I've also been blogging at least 6 years (and I'm thinking it is more like 7 but I can't remember) and have enjoyed it since the very beginning.

  2. I wish that I could take a bite! It looks delicious!

  3. From chilly Arizona . . . While sitting out on the patio in the chilly bright sunshine the pinkly frosted donut went perfectly with the nice hot cup of coffee. I enjoyed the coffee and savoured and imagined the tase of that, (had to be a Timmies donut).

  4. Oh, and how rude of me . . . to neglect bestowing on you the well deserved accolades for a job superbly done! As a casual observer over the past years I have seen your growth and comfort levels move along nicely. Congrats girl on a very productive six years.

  5. Kelley, you can save data by downloading the image right to your computer rather than emailing it to yourself. I can show you how to do this.

  6. Nice pink Donut Kelly.



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