This month the Girls Just Wanna Paint Challenge is to "Paint Like Van Gogh". I thought this was a fairly brilliant topic, as I am a huge fan of Vincent. But what really happened, when I tried to copy (a portion of) Starry Night, what that I LEARNED so much! At first I thought it was going to be easy-peasy - what's so hard about blobbing paint on the panel or canvas, right?
Well! He was a spot-on-master of value, for all his fame about color. And if you think it's easy (as I did) getting that thick paint to lay down on top of other thick strokes, you've got another think coming! Ah.... I love it when I'm learning and painting. So... check out the other Girls' paintings HERE. I think you'll enjoy it! Hey - it's December.... Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit (for good luck!).
Enjoy the Season... what ever your family's traditions are!