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Monday, October 27, 2014

Full Nest, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald


Sometimes in our lives things are very full... like with little ones, and business and dreams and hopes.  That's what a full nest feels like.  Everything changes, so we learn to hold on to this sweetness and the moments as they come.

Today in class we did the 'counted strokes'  lesson.  We painted our image, counting each stroke - no limit.  My first one was 230 strokes.  The next one we did we cut that number in half - I only could cut it, this time, to 120 strokes.  The third is the most difficult - cut the number in half again.  Doing this makes you think VERY carefully about the stroke you're putting down.  It makes you deliberate.  Keeps you from 'house painting' where you 'pet' the canvas or board, almost mindlessly, until you think of what color comes next.  Here, we are practicing 'thoughtful' strokes.

At the end we paint the image again, with no counting, just the lesson of thoughtful paint application in mind.  This, above, was my last effort.  Here is the set of 4 below, from my demo (the painting above is on a regular square of gessobord, and I just taped it to my big canvas in space #4.
The colors were a little yellow in this photo...
And the little dabs were my way of counting each stroke - no, they do not match up - the first one took more room for the dots than I needed, so I continued down on #4's space (which I didn't need because we didn't count on that one!).

Friday, October 17, 2014

Chocolate Chocolate Cream ... Plus... oil by Kelley MacDonald

Getting ready for the Hingham Arts Walk THIS weekend.... come SEE the 'wall of donuts' - 35 North Street in Hingham.  Most of these have not been seen by the world yet!  I discovered a true gem of a donut shop in Fall River, this donut is slightly crunchy on the outside, and tender and moist on the inside, PLUS filled with cream AND frosted with chocolate... WOWZA.  Do stop by Page Railsback's studio on Sunday!

Also.... I am endlessly fascinated by other artists' process.  So when I see some (and you should check these guys out) like Karen Appleton and Amy Hillenbrand, I just am mesmerized.  They paint in one location and move on to another... This speaks largely to the whole "my school of painting is the only correct one..." crowd.  You see, in the world of art, there IS no 'correct' method of painting.  Some people start by blocking out masses of shapes, some draw with  pencil first and then work they way methodically across the canvas/board, some draw with paint and lay down the darks firs.....  it's ALL good.  And what happens when you tend to judge is that you miss out on being OPEN and learning new things.  I'm re-inspired.  May just try this type of method soon.  I'll show you.  Although, to be honest, when you try something new, it takes about 6 tries to get it right...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sweet Spot, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDoanld

Oh.  The sweetness.  This painting, too, is scheduled to go to the Hingham Arts Walk on Sunday.  HOWEVER, if you really have to have it, just email me at  I completely understand, and, like Jimmy Durante... "I've got a million of them...(in me)". It would be $100 & $10 S&H.

Bismarks are a pretty great specialty here in this area.  Tender donut with whipped cream and a nice dollop of jelly... Only one Dunkin's in the area carries these, and they sell out quickly.
*for all of you who are interested, my cholesterol numbers were good as of yesterday, per my doctor! :D

Monday, October 13, 2014

You Are The Only One, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

This painting, "You Are The Only One" will be at Page Railsback's studio for the Hingham Arts Walk from noon to 4. This one, to me, is like a jewel.  The green of the bottle was endlessly fascinating to paint.  I can't take my eyes off it when I see the painting!  
I'll have a number of my very best paintings there, and some new donut paintings as well.  The South Shore of Boston is my old stomping ground, and I hope to see many of my old friends, fellow artists and collectors at 35 North Street in Hingham.  A few of the Girls Just Wanna Paint buddies will be showing, and I'll be happy to direct you to them!


I'll be at Page Railsback's Studio - 35 North Street - with some NEW DONUT PAINTINGS~

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Jelly War, 12x12 inch Framed Acrylic jPainting by Kelley MacDonald

I had so much fun with this painting!  Very contemporary, and framed in a black floater frame (which I am including free - and can be purchased without the frame as well), it was fun from start to finish.  After I painted it a friend said it looked like the jelly donuts had been fighting, and one, well, did better than the other - yes, the Mike Tyson of Jelly Donuts on the lower right ;).

People ask me "Do you prefer Oil or Acrylic paint?"  And my answer, unqualified, is "YES".  When I'm using my oils I sink into their juicy glow.  When I'm going to town with my acrylics I glory in their ability to stay with my plan, even when I change it - they're fun, they're unapologetic, they take to chunky strokes, and can disguise themselves as oil paint.

This gang got a lot of attention at my Open Studio, and I have to say I just love the assortment.  BTW I 'discovered' a new donut shop in Fall River this week.  Look for new, crazy donuts coming up soon.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Jelly Bomb, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald


Oh MAN, this was the perfect Jelly Donut!  Out of the lineup of plump sweet filled jellies, this one was the star.  And usually I have to do quite a bit of coaxing to get that perfect 'drip', but this one just erupted with that ruby goo!

So, was it coincidence that this painting just 'slid off the brush'?  I think not.  I especially was challenged, but LOVED painting the doughy spot to the left of the jelly - apparently this donut was joined to another and this was the 'tear-spot'.  I thought, at first - "I can't do that!"  I thought about ignoring it... surely I've painted enough of these to know what a non-torn piece looks like!  But then.... ah... I have a little motto... "Do one thing each day that terrifies you..."... so I went for it.  And am happy with the result!

Are you enjoying October?  I HOPE so - it's my favorite month!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Pepper-minty!, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Oh, you know how I love to paint candies!  I have a lot of ideas which I'll be playing with in the 6x6 format, with color, design and brushwork.  This one - I have to say the background color in real life is a consistent light blue - seems the photo has a bit of a shadow at the top.
My favorite part - believe it or not, is the cellophane!  Nuts, huh?  I also like the hot pink (it's called Carmine Red) peeking out from the bottom layer.

And you know who loves these mints?  Paco.  Yes, I found him digging them out of the bottom of a paint bin, where apparently the bag of candies had spilled.  I saw him trying to suck on one through the wrapper!  Then I found A FEW in the cushion of chair - and in pile of fresh laundry, that he had jumped up on (and tried to 'bury' the candy in).

So... sweets for the sweet.  Hey, that could be the name of the next one! :)
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