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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Quick Learners, 6x6 inch Acrylic by Kelley MacDonald

No Shelter Pet today, and possibly tomorrow, as my day job is taking 10+ hours a day these couple of days - just finished this one up... still may finesse the middle range of land.
Hoping for a break in the heat.... I don't like extremes of temperatures.  I get lethargic and groggy in the heat.  If you are awaiting an email/message from me about a painting... I'll be back to you in a couple of days - do not worry.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Shelter Cat, 6x6 in Acrylic by Kelley MacDonald

I'm looking at cats (and dogs) in shelters.  This guy is Nick and he is at the Hull Seaside Shelter in Hull, MA.  The painting does not do him justice.  But if you adopt Nick, email me and you can have this painting from when he was sad and lonely, before you lit up his life. 

Shaken, Not Stirred... 12x6 inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Where to begin?  First, it is the day for our Girls Just Wanna Paint Challenge - and this month's topic is "Twisted".  Honestly.  I tried a big painting of glorious skeins of pink, orange and glittery yarn (what was I thinking?), a raspberry twisted danish (I actually threw this one across the room), and then, today, the LAST day to paint it, I stopped at 3 donut shops.  Why doesn't anyone twist cruellers any more?  They're made by machine now, FYI and the dough is plopped out.  Well, I finally, after all those shops found THREE kinds of twisted donuts at Ma's Donuts in Middletown, RI.  Check out the outstanding paintings from this Challenge HERE.

Well, something happened on the way home.... it's hot here, a little bitty heat wave.  And I was driving by a little grocery store and I thought "My husband would probably love an ice cold martini when he gets home tonight - WAIT!!!!!"  That's as far as I got with the ACTUAL martini, but all I could think of was painting one with a 'twist'.  There you go... sometimes you just have to let your natural inclinations bubble to the top.  And here, all this time, I thought I was a slave to donuts.  :)

*rabbit*rabbit*rabbit* (good luck this coming month)

ANNNNNND, one last thing.  This is shaping up to be a really busy month for my day job, so what did I do?  I signed up to do Leslie Saeta's 30 Paintings in 30 days.  Crazy, huh?  Haven't settled on a topic and am going to give myself a week to settle in.  Shelter dogs/cats?  Things that refresh?  My favorite things?  We'll see.  Hey, thanks for sticking around.  It means more than you can know.

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