
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Commission of Jack & Coke, Oil, 6x8

I have one brushstroke left on this - the center-right part of the rim - as it stands it looks like the glass has a chip in it... actually there was a light reflection along the dark bit of background that shows through the glass.  I'll put it in tomorrow - the paint was so wet and slippery nothing would stay down!  I was tearing my hair out over the Coke, and thought I had it (ice and all) and I asked my DH to come look (I wanted him to say "Great!  You're done!"  But instead, to my surprise he said "You got it!  Except you need to put in the bubbles!"  Huh?  I said, then I looked, and yup.... there were tiny bubbles coming up in vertical streams!  If you're wondering why the whiskey bottle is still full, yet this is supposed to be a 'Jack & Coke' - I'll admit... I used a nip so I could leave the bottle full!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Izzy, 8x8, Oil

With Paco at my daughter's this weekend, I had a chance to re-connect with Isabelle, our first cat in this series of pets.  She's very sweet in real life, although I painted her with a grouchy look on her face.  This is how she looks when Paco's around because he never gives her a moment's peace - he will harass her in her littlerbox, eat her food, jump on top of her if she tries to walk across the room.  We've almost had him a year, and she remembers how it was BP (before Paco).  She's a sweetie, and I love her 'highlights' - when we got her as a kitten she was pure black with a pumpkin colored triangle on her face.  As she grew - more 'sparkles' appeared in her hind area - her front legs are still all black.  She's a  doll!
$100 & $10 S& H via PayPal

Monday, March 29, 2010

Jack Is Beautiful! 6x8, Oil

I have a commission to paint Jack Daniel's, Coke and lime... and so I set it up, sketched it in, poured in the whiskey, and.... couldn't pour in the Coke - the color of the whiskey was so beautiful.  This is from someone who can hardly stand the smell of it!  I refrained from adding the Coke for this one painting, just because the liquid in the bottom of the Waterford Crystal glass was like a golden jewel. 

 First I was saying "AUGHHH!  Crazy woman - how on earth can this be painted!"  Then the OTHER voice in my head showed up saying "Oh, calm down.  Anything can be painted.  What do you SEE?"  And my breathing slowed and I just concentrated on exactly what I saw, without over-thinking or actually even drawing all those 'cuts' in the glass.  And the liquid in that bottle was so FUN to paint!

$100 & $10 S&H via PayPal

Friday, March 26, 2010

Rununculus and Ribbon, Oil, 10x10

I'm working on some slightly larger pieces for another submission (I know, stop me NOW!).  I'm trying painting my Daily Paintings in a slightly larger format - on gessoed wooden panels.  I think it's the right thing for right now, I felt so happy painting it.  I love painting on the hard, smooth surface, and the brushstrokes lie visibly on the gesso.
Oh, my Fortune Cookie did sell at auction for the Z Gallery fundraiser for Habitat For Humanity in Haiti.  Thank all of you who came out!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ranunculus, Oil, 6x12


Today I felt like painting flowers.  It's Spring, and sunny out - and I'm yearning for my own flowers in my garden.  I'm working on my edges, and on the values here, shockingly the easiest part of this painting was the glass vase!  Thank you guys for all your comments - it is so great to hear from you!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One Sugar, Two Donut Holes, Oil, 6x6

I love these Buffalo Mugs, with their chunky handles.  Trying to keep it looser.  I'm having a show in a coffee shop in Boston in late Spring, so I'm indulging my love of all things coffee!

Thursday night at Gallery Z  in Providence, from 5-7 I'll be participating in a Silent Auction to benefit the victims in Haiti.  Come on down if you can!  My framed painting of 'Fortune', below, will be auctioned off.  Let's hope it's a lucky fortune for the Haitians!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

York Patties, Spring Colors, 6x6, Oil

Small confession to make... I bought a bag of these the day after VALENTINE's Day to paint.  Somehow the pile of them just went down and down.  I'd like to say visitors to my studio kept nibbling on them... but that would be untrue.  So!  On to a new bag!  And I have to say, colored foil is challenging!  Now... let's have more of that Spring weather, huh?  One day of rain and I'm not happy!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Swedish Grace, Celadon, 6x6, Oil

Some of you may remember that my favorite coffee cup cracked last summer, and it was a Swedish Grace pattern in cobalt blue by Rorstrand - no longer available in the U.S.  I really missed it, and since I couldn't fly to Sweden to get another I was resigned to living without.  Last week, for my birthday, my sweet husband hunted for and found a store in San Francisco that had odds and ends of Swedish Grace.  He bought me a celadon cup and saucer set, as well as a coffee mug.  The mug has yet to arrive, but here is the cup and saucer, along with Anna's (I just realized) Swedish Ginger Cookies.  Boy, for an Irish/French woman I sure like things Swedish, eh?

Friday, March 19, 2010

This Bud's For You, Oil, 6x6

OK, I'm going to offer all the latest 'drink' paintings for sale, all proceeds to go to Molly's fundraising effort to run in the Boston Marathon this April.  Time is getting short, and she doesn't really have a vehicle for selling them.  They are, as usual, $100 each and I will offer free shipping and handling.  There's a story behind this beer (which, if you're ever trying to make yourself crazy, paint beer.  Really, the bubbles, the reflections, the deep brown bottle, the disappearing foam, the glass mug - did I mention the foam?) :)  And I called Molly for a brand to paint - she emailed her boyfriend and he first said 'Bud', then offered a beer with a really cool bottle.  OK, the little package store ('packie' in this area) only had the regular beers.  I'm open to suggestions if anyone has favorites, too.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stonebridge Area!!! 8x10, Oil

With temperatures in the 50's+ and a still, sunny day, I took Paco down to the Stonebridge and looked up towards Coastal Roasters Coffee Shop.  Scene was a little more complicated than I first thought (hmmmm...) and before I knew it 3 HOURS had gone by - the light had changed, and we were DONE!  I am so proud of Paco, he was the BEST plein air dog ever.  I made a bed out of sheepskin (fake) and beach towels with 3 of his babies, a bone and a bowl of water (really, it was easier taking my little kids places).  And he sat, sniffed the salt air, and lolled about, thoroughly enjoying himself.  Only had to interrupt painting twice to pull cigarette butts out of his mouth - do people not think that's litter?  Anyway, it was a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

$100 & $10 S&H via PayPal 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Leisure, 5x7, Oil

Dunes, the sound of the surf, sun... and a hammock.  This is my little study I did today.  I wish this spot for all of you.  If you will excuse me, I'm exhausted from hosting yesterday's cocktail party, and I'm going to have a hammock nap (in my mind).  Enjoy!
And Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Also... below, the peaceful sunset from last night...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Virtual Cocktail Party, various artists

A couple of weeks ago I sent out an invitation to any blogging painter who wanted to come was invited to a 'Virtual Cocktail Party', BYOB.  Well, here we are,  an intimate cyber gathering with our choice of beverages (for today, anyway)....
Cheers, everyone!

Me - Cabernet Sauvignon, MontGras Reserva 2007

Amy Hillenbrand, Cocktail

Gwen Bell,  Kaluha & Cream

Nancy Colella's Chardonnay

Dana Cooper's "After The Party"

Sally Dean's Cosmo

 Margarita by Page Railsback

Martini by Page Railsback

Mary Sheehan Winn's Virtual Martini

Also, if anyone's having trouble with my blog loading, would you let me know?  I heard from someone who had a problem - only with my blog.  It could be because I have a rather large amount of images on each 'page', but I do that because I found people don't usually go beyond the first page (do you blame them?).  

Excuses, Excuses....

No painting for sale today!  I spent Friday afternoon at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence, RI, where they were holding the RI Home Show.  I had been asked to participate in a fundraiser for Haiti, sponsored by Jerry's, and was happy to paint donuts and coffee to the delight of onlookers.  

A virtual army of artists painted there and donated the paintings for a raffle, the proceeds of which went to help people suffering from the effects of the earthquake.  I am happy to report that my friend whose aunt was missing and presumed dead in Haiti was one of those found after 6 days under debris from a collapsed building, dehydrated and hurt... but alive!

And below, my last, best reason to not paint today (Sunday) - it's my birthday (55!) and my family kept me laughing and busy all weekend!  We met the kids at P.F.Chang for lunch on Saturday.  Tim made this cake from scratch today- as he always does... my favorite, German Chocolate Cake.  I'm inviting you all for a virtual bite!  
Late on Monday I will host my Cocktail Party Challenge - and anyone who sends me their cocktail painting by late afternoon EST will have their drinks posted!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Pink Tulips, 11x14, Acrylic

Yesterday a dear friend visited my studio and brought these gorgeous pink tulips, which I totally HAD to paint today!  I am really thinking 'Spring'!  Of course it will be cold and raw all weekend, but we've had a gorgeous week to carry us!  I think it's challenging (don't you love that word?) to paint glass with acrylic.  I wonder what the deal is with that?  Anyway, there are layers and layers on this painting, lots of glazing.
$100 & $10 S&H via Paypal
Reminder if you're an artist and want to join my 'Virtual Cocktail Party' - I'm taking images of your favorite cocktail till Monday a.m.!  Will post it on Monday, but it won't show up in my blog till Tuesday a.m.  Cheers!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dreaming Of Venice, Oil, 12x6 inches

I'll come clean... I've never been to Venice.. YET.  It's on my own personal list of Places I Need To Go. Monet loved it for it's light, so I can't imagine not falling in love with it myself.  My son Conor has been, however, and he shared his photos with me.  I don't normally paint from photos.  But I was so inspired by some bloggers I saw this morning I thought I'd give it a try!
$100 & $10 s&h via PayPal

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Coffee & Donut, 6x8, Oil

The coffee shop across the road has started selling their own coffee mugs - in adorable blue with yellow insides!  So, of course I had to stop in and get a jelly donut (and yes, that big bite was DELICIOUS!) to sit and keep the coffee company.   I liked painting their relationship.
Did I mention that my work (and Paco's face) is in a beautiful video that Myra, whose wonderful Blog I follow, made and posted on YouTube?  Oh, you have to check it out!
$100 & $10 s&h via Paypal

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cairn III, 6x6, Oil

Feeling mellow today, as I am starting a new Yoga class, I played with all my little rocks at the studio, and made this little cairn.  I just love painting stones.  

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mojito! 8x8 Acrylic

I set this up in my house and worked in acrylic - more difficult for me with the things like glass, etc., but easier with layering of the limes!  If anyone wants this please email me very soon ($100 & $10 s&h via PayPal), because next weekend I'll be giving it to my daughter to auction off - she's still only halfway to her fundraising goal for her Boston Marathon Run.  I'll post a link to her site, too, because people have been asking about it.  Anyway my favorite Mojito is made with sake (ooooh, so smooth!) but this one is traditional, with rum!    Hot lights & ice.... equal rapid painting!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Soup For Lunch, 8x6, Oil

I thought you might like to see the process of this one... I love tomato and rice soup!
First, the photo, below....

The initial sketch and block-in.

Some background, and a little modeling on the can...

Modeling on the bowl and spoon,

The cloth beneath and some rough details,

Almost done...
$100 plus $10 Shipping and Handling via Paypal

AND my new Delivery System is in place (hurrah!), so if you'd like these posts to actually ARRIVE in your inbox, and they are not showing up, please re-enter your email address in the box at the top right column of my blog and I will happily send them to you!  Thanks so much for all the support!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dreaming Of Harry Winston, 6x6 Acrylic

Well, it's that time again, when my Challenge Group posts their monthly interpretations of a theme or idea.  This month the theme was "Dream".  First of all, I'm completely lost when it comes to 'making stuff up' about a painting, and this is why I never thought of myself as a creative person for many years.  I started this and was really going places with it, till my loving husband told me I needed to make it 'sparkle' more.  OK.... I darkened the background, changed the color, changed it back, repainted the 'steps' on the inside of the stone, changed the shape of the diamond, gave it double claws like a 'real' HW, and then declared it completely dead.  If you check the Challenge Blog you'll see I did a Mermaid's Dream.  Just thought you'd get a chuckle out of this.  No, it's not something I own.  I just love sparkles, and.. let's be honest, in real life they're pretty sparkly!

As an aside, I've been paying more attention to my Studio Blog, and, well, Paco's Blog is featuring him and my MARTINI!

This one is NFS (not for sale)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Uh, Oh.... 6x6 Oil

This is /was my beloved Harlequin mug that I got in Santa Fe.  I dropped it.  I just loved my morning coffee out of this mug, but I guess now that leaves room for a new favorite.

Below is an 11x14 abstract I did called "Yield" (Oil)

And last but not least I got interviewed today by a reporter from the Fall River Herald News.  We had, as you can see, a fun hour together (We will not talk about Paco's behavior during this hour.  But did you know that fresh bones have this gross tube of MARROW that slips out of them?  Yeah.  On the floor.  In front of the reporter....)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wild Strawberry Wedgewood Coffee Cup, 6x6 Oil

This little china cup has always been a favorite.  I liked painting the cloth underneath, and the cloth underneath THAT.  No more cups or drinks this week, I think.  I'm a little exhausted by elipses (the way a circle flattens out as you view it from the side)!  So we'll see what I come up with.  It'll be fun (well, for me, anyway!) I sure!  Let's get through March weather with a smile on our faces!