
Friday, March 12, 2010

Pink Tulips, 11x14, Acrylic

Yesterday a dear friend visited my studio and brought these gorgeous pink tulips, which I totally HAD to paint today!  I am really thinking 'Spring'!  Of course it will be cold and raw all weekend, but we've had a gorgeous week to carry us!  I think it's challenging (don't you love that word?) to paint glass with acrylic.  I wonder what the deal is with that?  Anyway, there are layers and layers on this painting, lots of glazing.
$100 & $10 S&H via Paypal
Reminder if you're an artist and want to join my 'Virtual Cocktail Party' - I'm taking images of your favorite cocktail till Monday a.m.!  Will post it on Monday, but it won't show up in my blog till Tuesday a.m.  Cheers!


  1. I need to paint flowers. That's one area I need to work on. I love the graceful bow a tulip has. Hey Kelley, GREAT JOB on that coffee and jelly donut. Scrumptious looking.

  2. What a lovely taste of spring! I think glass is hard in any medium.

  3. wow! The yellow green and pink is just perfect to show off these tulips.
    Miss YOU!!

  4. Beautiful job with this, Kelley. Great color choices.

  5. My first thought was that you really made some excellent color choices here - this is beautifully painted!

  6. So beautiful! Great job on the vase and water too. Wish Spring would finally come to Dallas. In the meantime I'll just enjoy your tulips.

  7. The tulips are lovely - I like the way the are arranged w/the two bending ones on the left -

    Glass is one of the scary things to paint - but you made good observations, it looks convincing. I wonder if one keeps painting glass if it eventually gets easier?

  8. Gorgeous! I beautiful sample of Spring! It's so miserable out today, this really brightened things up. Thank you for your kind words.


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