
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ranunculus, Oil, 6x12


Today I felt like painting flowers.  It's Spring, and sunny out - and I'm yearning for my own flowers in my garden.  I'm working on my edges, and on the values here, shockingly the easiest part of this painting was the glass vase!  Thank you guys for all your comments - it is so great to hear from you!


  1. The glass came out so well! Faultless! Also love your ranunculus...they are so multi-layered and difficult! I see many of the bulb type of flowers on the blogs, I presume this is their season in the US?

  2. Ranunculuses are one of my all time favorite flowers, and you've suggested their spherical shape beautifully. Love the color contrast and the variety in the flower sizes.

  3. I think you did a wonderful job on your flowers. They really make me feel like spring too. Wish it would get here sooner...

  4. Another lovely painting, Kelley. I just love the bold passion of your work.

  5. This is so pretty. Your brushstrokes are wonderful and the glass vase looks real. The yellow/blue combination makes it just delightful.

  6. Nice color vibration between the flowers and the background. It says spring is just around the corner!

  7. Oh Kelley, this is a beautiful painting of my favorite flower! You captured the delicate nature of the petals and the strong structure of the glass, well done!
    p.s. I'm amazed at your productivity...special vitamins?

  8. A WINNER! The flowers are awesome. The violet and yellow color harmony rocks and the glass is slammin'!
    This needs to win a prize. Maybe NRAS?
    Don't fret about being tight, you aren't, you're YOU and it works!!
    XOXO :D

  9. Nice job on the flowers and the glass! Ranunculus are hard to paint...and so is yellow...these are so painterly!

  10. Love your flowers. Reminds me that one day spring will be here! Beautiful painting!

  11. yes- it is a winner.
    I love yellow flowers and I know how difficult they are- this just feels good to look at- like being in a sunshine filled room.Beautiful Kelley!

  12. Kelley, Beautiful painting, you are the master of painting glass!

  13. Nice Kelley! ( you call this practice?)

  14. Wow... I guess skilled painters find challenging subjects like glass easy. Those paper thin petals turned out wonderfully Kelley!

  15. Kelley - one word: stunning.
    May be my all-time favorite of yours. I think it is. Brava!!

  16. When I saw the small icon of this I nearly broke my fingers trying to get here and see it up close. Love Ranunculus but they look crazy hard to paint. Love every single thing about this. It sings that Spring is here!

  17. Very beautiful, Kelley - wonderful the color combination. Well done!


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