
Friday, March 26, 2010

Rununculus and Ribbon, Oil, 10x10

I'm working on some slightly larger pieces for another submission (I know, stop me NOW!).  I'm trying painting my Daily Paintings in a slightly larger format - on gessoed wooden panels.  I think it's the right thing for right now, I felt so happy painting it.  I love painting on the hard, smooth surface, and the brushstrokes lie visibly on the gesso.
Oh, my Fortune Cookie did sell at auction for the Z Gallery fundraiser for Habitat For Humanity in Haiti.  Thank all of you who came out!


  1. LOVE this Kelley-I think its a winner!

  2. Congratulations, Kelley! This has such a nice spring feel.

  3. Love your composition here Kelley, very fine!

  4. Another nice one! I especially like the composition with the ribbon which gives movement to it.

  5. Beautiful piece, Kelley! Congrats on the fortune cookie.... i loved that piece!

  6. I would have been surprised if the Fortune Cookie didn't sell! I love the way you continue to push the envelope Kelley. First with the larger format and then the intricate detail with the ranunculus and ribbon!

  7. Kelley!

    For some reason I'm not digging the coral background but I do love the periwinkle blue ribbon (which might not have stood out without the coral background)!

    I need to make up my mind, huh?


  8. Beautiful, Kelly! The flowing movement of the ribbon emulates the pictorial rhythm of the flower arrangement!

  9. Thanks, Sal, as usual, it looks better in person!

    CArol and Pat, I so appreciate your comments!

    Lori, I tried to use the ribbon to direct your eye and give contrast to the cadmium red cloth!

    Thanks, Manon - I like to paint fortune cookies, too :)

    Sheila, you are always so kind, thank you!

    Dean G, I emailed you - I love it that you don't ignore the elephant in the room!

    Wow, Dean H, I love that. You guys ROCK!

  10. Love how the purple ribbon glows and flows! That rhymed, which means I have to go to sleep soon!
    Love it, Kelley, this painting looks great.

  11. Hi Kelley, I haven't visited your blog in a while but I am so glad I found you again, your paintings are gorgeous. Your brushwork seems so free, an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your wonderful paintings,


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