
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Uh, Oh.... 6x6 Oil

This is /was my beloved Harlequin mug that I got in Santa Fe.  I dropped it.  I just loved my morning coffee out of this mug, but I guess now that leaves room for a new favorite.

Below is an 11x14 abstract I did called "Yield" (Oil)

And last but not least I got interviewed today by a reporter from the Fall River Herald News.  We had, as you can see, a fun hour together (We will not talk about Paco's behavior during this hour.  But did you know that fresh bones have this gross tube of MARROW that slips out of them?  Yeah.  On the floor.  In front of the reporter....)


  1. Nice to see you in your studio.I shows how productive you have been. Pretty color cup made an interesting composition!

  2. Sorry about your cup and congrats on your interview. What is this large scene you're painting? Will you be sharing it?

  3. Kelley, Love the cup! You are so clever to paint it, even if it is broken. You do such a good job on the ellipse, how do you do that!!!!Also interested to see that you are moving into abstracts. I have fun with some abstract landscapes but seem to be stumped beyond that. Love the bubble series you do and this one you showed today.

  4. Sorry for your loss but what a WONDERFUL painting!

  5. Sorry about losing your favorite cup. I had an instructor that painted a series of a broken vase and her paintings were awesome! So don't pitch it, there may be more beautiful paintings in those pieces!

    Loved your story of Paco! :-) Also, loved the photo of you in your studio. Not to mention the 2 wonderful paintings posted here.

  6. Kelley,
    I love this one, the simple shape of the cup, the thick white paint, the dusty dark green, against the white. It's all really beautiful. Congrats on your publicity! Fantastic! By the way, you can probably replace that favorite mug by contacting the store in Santa Fe, and having it sent out to you. At least, I hope that you can! Good luck!

  7. I love that you took breaking your favorite cup as an opportunity to paint. It turned out lovely!

  8. Superglue - it's not over yet!!!

    The painting looks great and I love seeing you in your studio - when will the article be in the paper? Congratulations!

  9. awww, sorry about the favorite coffee cup. It makes a good subject..great painting. Am chuckling about the bone morrow! lol. Good old Paco!
    Congrats on your interview. Your studio looks great!

  10. Thanks, everybody! The large scene I'm painting is a new pass-by of a 6 month old painting, because the pink in the sunset is too sweet - even though it was an amazing sunset... so I'm trying to tone it down, but still make it sing. I love all the suggestions of what to do/how to salvage the (cup) object of my affection! The article will be in the March 12 Fall River Herald News, and I'll post a link to it when it comes out!

  11. Oh FINALLY, I found your post in the bleeping JUNK MAIL file. I would rather not have my email program making the decision as to where to deposit the mail.
    Anyway, I want to hear all about the interview and.......Paco's shenanigans.....
    Nice painting.

  12. Heehee, you are fuuuuunnnny. (: Can't wait to see the article.

  13. Kelley!

    Now this is turning lemons into lemonade. I love that you took a broken mug and turned it into a unique, simple, and beautiful still life!

    The abstract painting looks GREAT too! There's something about that giant circular shape that compels me to stare!

    And lastly, congrats on the interview!

    Is that your studio space in the picture?!? If so, I'm SO jealous!

    Mine is a literally an old closet, yours is like a gallery in comparison!



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