
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wild Strawberry Wedgewood Coffee Cup, 6x6 Oil

This little china cup has always been a favorite.  I liked painting the cloth underneath, and the cloth underneath THAT.  No more cups or drinks this week, I think.  I'm a little exhausted by elipses (the way a circle flattens out as you view it from the side)!  So we'll see what I come up with.  It'll be fun (well, for me, anyway!) I sure!  Let's get through March weather with a smile on our faces!


  1. Those tiny flowers on a curved surface would drive me nuts! You did an awesome job Kelley.

  2. so sweet! I love how you do teacups.

  3. You did another great job on this Kelley. I love the way you did the handle.

  4. Love this! You did a wonderful job with the gold trim on the cup and saucer. And the cloth underneath with its creases and shadows are perfect.

  5. This is so wonderful, dainty and feminine at it's best! Every single stroke is amazing, love your delicate handling of the fabric and the china cup, but can I tell you one of my very favorite little sections is the light hitting the fabric right above your signature; outstanding!


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