
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Martini & 3 and a Cocktail Party Invitation!

OK, I won't apologize for the photo, but bear in mind that it is nighttime and I finally found my camera (hidden in plain sight, of course!).  Well I promised my daughter another couple of 'drink' paintings so she can auction them off because they were so popular, and that's how this martini came about.  My friend Janet Kingan asked for 3 olives last time, so here you are, Janet!  I'm always inspired by Shawn Kenney when I paint martini's - he been an inspiration since I started blogging!

OK - I'm inviting all my fellow bloggers to send me an image they paint of their favorite cocktail - and in a couple of weeks I'll post them - lets' say by the 15th of March - so it'll be a 'birthday cocktail party' for me!  I'll post them all here.  It's a non-recurring challenge, and I just need to be able to upload your images, and have your full name and link.  Cheers!*

*My husband asked WHY I needed vermouth to paint a martini - "You can't SEE it..." he said... I guess I just need it to be authentic!!  And I think you can SMELL it....


  1. I agree, you need to have the authentic mood to be inspired to paint. And you can drink it after the painting is done right? This absolutely yummy looking. I'd love to paint a drink...has to be a cocktail right?

  2. I'm a heavy on the olives lady too. This is wonderful. I love the idea and for us, Its so fun to see all these drinks!

    I noticed you stayed away from ice this time...

  3. Kelley, this looks so good I can smell the vermouth too! Love this painting :-)

  4. Kelley, great job on the glass. Between your teacups and your cocktails, you have just about covered all bases in the drink catagory!

  5. OMG!! You are on a cocktail roll, my friend!! Love em all!

  6. Kelley, I love this drink series! The olives, their reflections, and the glass are great. And of course you needed the vermouth! ; ) I'll try to add one to the menu. Cool idea.

  7. Very nice, Kelley! I must admire that amazing glass that is so shiny and transparent!Lovely olives too!

  8. I share the same views. Liked your blog very much.

  9. I'm enjoying your cocktails so much *hic*! The glass stem on this one is really great. Love all the olives too!

    RSVP me for the party. Going to have to have a little taste test to remind myself which the favorite is.

  10. That's right Kelley, torture me during Lent! When is this being auctioned and when and where can I bid?

  11. Kelley, Beautiful reflection of the olives on the undersurface of the of the top of the martini! As always, your work is wonderful!

  12. That's my drink! Wonderful job, its making my mouth water. Uh oh, its only Monday morning!

  13. Love the look of this Kelley...the olives and the glass are perfect!
    I hope to jump into your challenge, but how boring is a glass of chardonnay? Hmmm, may have to experiment with some new drinks!

  14. Kelley,
    This piece looks the olives and love painting them also. Very nice.

  15. I LOVE these drink paintings, Kelley - they're wonderful!

  16. Wanted to say how much I am enjoying this series! Hope to send one your way!

  17. I LOVE the reflections of the olives in the water, Kelley!

    I can see why these are so popular!


  18. Thank you soooo much everyone! And Dean, for the record... it's gin... :) Can't you SMELL it?


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