
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hendrick's Gin & Tonic, 5x7 Acrylic

This Gin & Tonic is NFS, it's part of the raffle I mentioned in an earlier post for my daughter to participate in the Boston Marathon.  Since I'm not a big drinker, I splurge when I do, so... it's Hendrick's. If you like gin at all, this is the creme de la creme.  This painting, in acrylic, done at home (with a zillion light sources) drove me batty.  Literally.  I cried.  I threw stuff.  I bent my brush.  This is attempt #3, and I can't bring myself to show you the 1st two - they looked like it was my very first painting.  Not used to painting glass with acrylics - and it's different, and the light... So my husband suggested I shut all the shutters in the room, and turn on my clamp light... now why didn't I think of that?  And really... try, just TRY to paint ice under a hot light!!!!  Suffice it to say that my house looks like a hurricane hit it after all my fits...
Now, I think I'll drink my subject... I deserve it!


  1. it looks masterful to me- and I havent started drinking yet! I don't kow what the first ones looked like but this one is great.

  2. So honest! I know you struggled, but your post made me laugh. I think in you situation, I would have drank that drink long before finishing the painting and mixed another to paint...

    Hope your next one's don't give you all this trouble. After all you're doing this project for "good". You'd think it would go easily...

    What if you chilled the drink for awhile before starting, then maybe the ice you add would last longer? Or place the drink on a slab of ice!


  3. Oh, but you can't tell from this photo all the trouble you had! This looks so good I could drink it! I love all the extra limes too...just the way I drink mine! Great job on the glass!

  4. Worth the struggle. It looks cool, refreshing, and real enough to be yummy!

  5. OMG.... we're having drinks every morning now at your! You are the Queen of!
    Your husband is a very smart man!! It turned out fabulous!!

  6. Yea! I am getting your daily posts again and to think you are painting cocktails! Great idea I think I'll try that and it does sound like you deserved that Gin and Tonic! xox Pam

  7. This painting doesn't look like you struggled with it! The ice in the glass looks really good and the choice of background nice, too. Loved your description of your melt down - had to laugh! We've all had them, but you came through with a really nice painting!

  8. You are funny and hey you got lots of practice :D
    Looks great.

  9. Striking painting - come out beautifully. And you certainly deserved that drink!

  10. Wow... we not only are able to enjoy the fruits of your labor but learn from your experience too! Good for you for hanging in there.

  11. I gave you another Sunshine award. Couldn't help it...

  12. I gave you another sunshine award. Couldn't help it...

  13. We must be long lost sisters. This could have easily been a post on my blog! I am so happy to become acquainted with your work. It is beautiful, no matter how much you beat yourself up! I'm looking forward to seeing more! Bottoms up!

  14. Kelley, I love this! The interior of the glass with the ice cubes and lime look great! That part alone would make a beautiufl abstract. I love the shapes and colors. Beautiful!

  15. I'm cracking up! The instant I read this post I thought of my friend, Trish Siegel. No sooner had I thought about her than I noticed her comment.....I love the sense of honesty that you both possess, and also your talent for painting. Keep up the lovely work!

  16. I happened to be drinking my G&T when I read your post last night. Nearly spilt it all down me from laughing. A perfectly painted picture for the perfect drink. Love it

  17. excellent piece. really a gem. so worth the angst to create it.

  18. I happened to be drinking my G&T when I read your post last night. Nearly spilt it all down me from laughing. A perfectly painted picture for the perfect drink. Love it

  19. You've been busy! So many beautiful new the light in this. Your ice cubes and the reflection of the lime are so great. Your Bloody Mary looks great too. Makes me want to make a little sump'in to toast with. Here's to your daughter and her marathon. Hope it goes great! (hic)

    If you are still bar-tending, how about a Martini or something with an umbrella?

  20. How refreshing... is it happy hour? I'll join you!

  21. Kelley! Love this post ... "I cried. I threw stuff. I bent my brush ... " You're too funny! But who among us hasn't been there? Good for you for persevering ... the third time was definitely the charm. This painting IS beautiful and refreshing!

  22. kelley,
    the effect you have with acrylic is fantastic...
    the lime, glass, everything is as beautiful as original...
    if not more...

  23. Hurricane Kelley! LOL

    Sometimes you gotta paint a couple sucky paintings before you get it just right. And you proved just that!

    Giggling at the melting ice under the clamp light!



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