
Monday, March 22, 2010

Swedish Grace, Celadon, 6x6, Oil

Some of you may remember that my favorite coffee cup cracked last summer, and it was a Swedish Grace pattern in cobalt blue by Rorstrand - no longer available in the U.S.  I really missed it, and since I couldn't fly to Sweden to get another I was resigned to living without.  Last week, for my birthday, my sweet husband hunted for and found a store in San Francisco that had odds and ends of Swedish Grace.  He bought me a celadon cup and saucer set, as well as a coffee mug.  The mug has yet to arrive, but here is the cup and saucer, along with Anna's (I just realized) Swedish Ginger Cookies.  Boy, for an Irish/French woman I sure like things Swedish, eh?


  1. What a sweetheart of a husband you have! It almost sounds like a "Chicken Soup for the Artist's Soul" story.

    I can see how the fruits of your hubby's labor helped inspire this beautiful painting. Love the cropping and composition of this.

  2. Very very pretty! Incidentally, Tammy's got a Swedish boyfriend with the unlikely last name of McCarthy!

  3. What a nice present, Kelley..and a nice painitng.

  4. Kelley, you did a beautiful job on this. I think you have found your muse, and she is a teacup!

  5. Beautiful painting and what a sweet husband!

  6. What a lovely painting. Like how you offset the cup, just enough room for those delicious looking cookies.

  7. Kudos on all the detail on the cup! The cookies are fabulous and the background creates drama.
    I already know that Tim is a sweetheart, but I'm super impressed that he can find a match to your cup!!!

  8. Sweet husband. Lovely painting! Love the entire tea cup series!

  9. What a great husband! I studied in Sweden one year in college. It was an incredible year! Great people, great arts and crafts. My favorite swedish artist is Carl Larrsen.

  10. Oh Tim
    What can i say?
    I love the painting - great composition. I love this sweet little painting!

  11. oh my gosh kelley!
    what a beautiful painting and story behind it!
    Happy Happy Spring!
    m & e

  12. What a thoughtful hubby...Awwwww. So glad you have your cup again plus more to paint.

    Kelly this is SO good. Looks down right iridescent! I opened to the larger version and was blown away by the color reflection. I can tell you put a lot of love into this one. Great vantage point and crop too. The Swedish Cookies make the perfect compliment.

    Are you sure you aren't Swedish??? You ARE a beautiful blond...

  13. Super lovely, love the story and love your beautiful painting; very well done!

  14. Fantasic job, Kelley. I love the reflective quality of the teacup - beautifully handled. Happy Belated Birthday!

  15. Kelley!

    How nice of your husband!



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