
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Izzy, 8x8, Oil

With Paco at my daughter's this weekend, I had a chance to re-connect with Isabelle, our first cat in this series of pets.  She's very sweet in real life, although I painted her with a grouchy look on her face.  This is how she looks when Paco's around because he never gives her a moment's peace - he will harass her in her littlerbox, eat her food, jump on top of her if she tries to walk across the room.  We've almost had him a year, and she remembers how it was BP (before Paco).  She's a sweetie, and I love her 'highlights' - when we got her as a kitten she was pure black with a pumpkin colored triangle on her face.  As she grew - more 'sparkles' appeared in her hind area - her front legs are still all black.  She's a  doll!
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  1. I love how cats "perch" themselves on the smallest part of furniture. (Clearly, a dog would have taken over that whole seat cushion!) You really captured her suspicion of Paco's next move. Great animal portrait.

  2. Hi Kelley!
    What a wonderful painting. It makes me miss having a cat in my life. Beautiful painting!

  3. This is a great portrait of your cat. Love that wary look.

  4. WOW = she is a good poser!
    Poor izzy- Ollie rembers BW( before Winnie)
    she really messed things up. sighh.
    love this - you have really captured her perch and I love the different whites.

  5. Isabelle is a cutie pie! Great job conveying her wary expression!

  6. I can really see the expression on the cats face - you captured it perfectly!

  7. Izzy looks very animated looking at her nemesis, Paco! She certainly is a pretty cat. I like the composition of Izzy sitting on the arm of the chair. She really looks good against the colors. You also did a great job with her coloring. I have such trouble with animals that have a lot of black in their fur. I'm sure Izzy is loving the fact that Paco is away and she gets undivided attention and can eat her food in peace! :-)

  8. AH, thank you guys - I find it really hard to paint my own animals! I photographed this really wet - the white spots on her fur are reflections!

  9. Just beautiful. I love what Nancy wrote about cats and their perch, so true. Kelley, I really like the overall composition, love that the negative space dominates Izzy and I really like the long brushstrokes in the background to compliment Izzy's furriness...hope that makes sense.

  10. Great! A very realistic look to how you painted this.

  11. Kelley!

    I just adore the brown patch on her face!



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