Paintings of every little thing, and all the important big things as well. My view. My inspiration.....
My Website
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Nutcracker, Holiday Cup
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Jake's Shake, 5x7 Acrylic

So much for doing a little landscape from last night's sunset! I found this little guy (I think his name is Jake, so it's Jake's Shake) in Jamestown, RI, a lovely island off Newport. Anyway, I take photos of animals wherever I go and he was hamming it up for me, then all of a sudden he had to SHAKE-SHAKE-SHAKE his head! More dogs coming, I'm afraid, because of next week's Bayside Colony Dog Show in Boston http://www.baysideexpo.com/eventDetail.php?id=1143472192&pages=1 (Thursday and Friday - I wish I could spend BOTH days there!). If you go to their website you can get a discount coupon, too! I'd say get there early, because it's a real full day!
Just Had To Share This With You

No, this is not a Daily Painting, but this is the view from my porch as I arrived home from the studio last night. I haven't gotten to painting yet this morning, but thought I'd send this out - amazing, isn't it? This little piece of the Nanaquaket peninsula which used to be a Summer home for the Sisters of the Holy Union, is going to soon be filled with 7 McMansions... :( Oh, well, I'm taking lots of photos before the neighborhood goes 'down' :)
Also you might want to check out my Studio Blog http://welcometomyartworld.blogspot.com to see what I've been working on instead of a Daily Painting today.... Thanks for visiting, and I do appreciate every comment!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Holiday Mug, 6x6 Acrylic

And many thanks to all who have visited my blog. I very much appreciate your presence, and your comments, it makes you feel less 'alone' in the work, knowing people are viewing.
Monday, November 26, 2007
More Coastal Roaster Coffee Stuff ! :)
This is just what I'm up to these days. Dropping off paintings at Holiday Shows (55 were 'at large' this month alone!), packing & shipping Daily Paintings that have sold (will update the 'solds' on the blog SOON I promise!) and painting little acrylic paintings about my favorite coffee shop, Coastal Roasters, in beautiful Tiverton, RI. The photos did not come out as clear as I wanted, and rather than wait for tomorrow's light (today's light was gray and dismal) to get better images. Suffice it to say that the paintings are clearer, that you can read the signs, and the colors are richer. OK. The first one, below, is "The Coast Is Clear" (8x10), and it's about the gauntlet you have to endure to cross this Main Road to GET to the delicious, full bodied coffee (Starbucks, eat your heart out....). The speed limit is 25, but one day I was 'passed' by a truck going 50 (yes, I zoomed after him to see JUST how fast he was going!). And that would be me, saying 'SLOW DOWN!' to all the zoomers going by.... :)
Below is one of my Holiday Dreams for a Coastal Roaster Cup!

Forgive me for being a little irreverant... but I think both Mary and Joseph would have been THRILLED to receive some nice hot Coastal Roasters coffee after their travails. The text on the bottom right reads "How thoughtful! They've come bearing Coastal Roaster Coffee!" Seriously, the Magi are very dear to me, my favorite symbol of the season, and I can't help but think that if they'd been able to, they WOULD have swung by Tiverton to bring some delicious java to the Holy Family....

Friday, November 23, 2007
It Happened In Hull, 6x6 Oil

Monday, November 19, 2007
Coastal Roasters

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Pomegranates, 6x8 Oil

The top one is from today, the bottom one from yesterday. I'd been itching to get back to Daily Paintings, and pomegranates are such a challenge because of the many different colors of red the skin has. THEN when you open them... there are more! I apologise for the bad cropping job, I'll try to clean them up later. I just loved spreading this creamy paint around, and liked the simple subject. This is one fruit that always reminds me of the holidays. Let's hope I don't delay savoring this treat till it's gone by - done that many times... :}
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I promise, no more workshop photos after this!
As promised.... the Belly Dancer! Here I'd first like to send a BIG 'THANKS' to the TSA personnel in Phoenix for untaping all my wet canvas boards (all held aprart so you could actually see in the spaces between the wet paintings), smearing the wet paint all over the paintings packed face-to-face) and effectively ruining every single canvas. I feel so much SAFER now! Seriously, there was an explanatory letter on top of them, with only my empty easel also in the suitcase. Apparently there's a threat of EXPLOSIVE paintings - now there's something I never thought to worry about! Anyway... learned my lesson, and forever more will 1) use only Galkyd paints when I travel, and 2) ship via UPS!
Enough ranting. These belly dancer paintings were only FIVE minutes long, each, so don't be too harsh! They were fun to do, because with just 5 minutes you can't get fussy! Our model really got into it, and she was so strong and fluid it was a pleasure to paint.

Then this last one was from an earlier day, with the most beautiful shawl and dress...

#1 - Be A Designer (don't let reality get in the way of a good painting)!
#2 - Title First (when you give your painting a title first, you are more likely to stick to the focal point!)
#3 - Separate the dark and light pattern with clean, interesting shapes! (and not only things in 'shadow', but things that are actually dark go into the dark area).
#4 - 1/3 - 2/3 rule , keep 1/3 of the painting light, 2/3 dark, or vice versa, to keep a rythm and interest in a painting.
Thanks to all who checked in on the blog, and DOUBLE thanks to everybody who commented - it made me feel like you were right there with me!
Friday, November 9, 2007
It's A WRAP! End of session
Today was the last day **sniff, sniff** of our workshop. Athena posed as a ballerina in the afternoon. It was very challenging (I love that word, don't you?) but fun. Tomorrow look for the belly dancer (YEAH - you'll check in now, won't you?), that was a blast to paint. I am so sorry for the double post (AND the idential post placed in the Daily Marketplace Blog - DUH - special needs in technology I am...) yesterday. MSW said it wasn't only me. Off to dinner with my new buddy Yvonne and PKR, to thank her for a wonderful week. Thank all of you, too - I miss my 'dailies' and will be back this week!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I've tried 3 times to upload another group of photos from Kinko's in Scottsdale, to the tune of $12, and nothing will upload from this computer, although it looks like it's actually happening. Will try the library tomorrow... Sorry everybody, it's going quite well, and Peggi is an awesome teacher I wish you could all be here!
:) Kelley
:) Kelley
Mid Week With Peggi (correct spelling) Kroll Roberts
In the morning, Athena posed in a dark green (bad photo) evening gown indoors
We had to paint this in HIGH KEY - that's what I wrote on my painting, although I seem to be the only one who can read that...
My version:
And I happen to be here for the 'Best and Brightest' show - featuring none other than our friend Tatiana Sink, see below! YAY Tatiana!
Tonight is the Art Walk, where over 100 galleries will be open late, and it's gorgeous weather at night to stroll around - should be amazing! Thanks for checking in... let me know what you think! :) Kelley
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
LIVE! From Scottsdale, AZ! PKR workshop!
Hello, Everyone! I'm in Scottsdale at Peggi Kroll Roberts' figure workshop with the Scottsdale Artist School this week! We are painting FIENDS! I feel like we are empty vessels, and PKR is STUFFING us with information on how to paint figures. (Feeling very, very full right now...) She's working us very hard, but it does actually feel like something's 'clicking'!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
In Memory of Salty Dog, Acrylic, 6x8

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween, Harry, 6x8 Oil
Harry, the teenage cat in our house, is a gorgeous mix of pumpkin and buff colors. He loves to be anywhere we are, doing anything we do, but he especially loves it when Tim takes out the toolbox. He's all over that. Anyway, with no kids left at home and no children in the neighborhood (no, really, NO kids!) Halloween isn't much fun. But we had many years of pirates and princessess, werewolfs and ghouls, and lots and lots of fun!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Umbrella Memories, 6x8 Oil
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Just Crabby, 6x6 oil

This is a commission I've been working on - I actually have two crabs that I promised to people. I never really gave much thought to them, but since I've started doing a bit of research on them, I'm a big fan of their shapes, their rounded backs and claws.. So... this guy - NFS, but I probably will do a few more crabs this Fall! And, yes, he's 'cooked', but he's definitely a 'live wire'!
Monday, October 15, 2007
It's A Dog's Life (Sometimes)
OK, here's another weird thing about me. I love dogs - to the extent that every September I find out the dates for the Bay Colony Dog Show in Boston (Always early December) and cross the day off my calendar so I won't accidently schedule anything else, and I go with my chair and my sketchbook all by myself to the show. It's overwhelming, but I try to pick a few breeds and hang out there for a while. I concentrate on
Pugs, my personal favorite, but I also love the Scotties, Cairns, Corgi's, Bernese Mountain Dogs, all the Belgians (the Malanois, the Sheepdog and the Turvuren), the Australian Terriers, the Boston Terriers, the Flat Coated Retreivers, and... well, that's not exactly CONCENTRATING, is it? Anyway, in addition to the little pug posted much earlier on my blog, here's my tiny dog collection....

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Time To Come Clean....
I have been a little 'quiet' here lately... apologise for not posting, but.... I broke my camera! Well, not intentionally, but as Sister Eugenia Margaret used to say "There's no such thing as un-intentional!". I left my camera outside in the garden and then it rained.... here's where that voice in the back of my head yells "I TOLD you to get the waterproof version!".
There's kind of good news here, too. Last Saturday we bit the bullet and bought a super-duper SLR... which I can't figure out. The 'training' disks are like they were in Greek. For 3 days I've been debating whether to bring it back for a 'better' point-and-shoot version (also much cheaper) or to stick it out. So either I learn the new camera asap or bring it back and get the P-A-S PLUS another little pocket camera (and have $$ to spare) - either way I'll be posting by Monday. I'm PAINTING, just not posting. Actually I've been busy with those commissions, which, instead of being a chore, are actually turning out to be quite fun... and that's the way it should be.
Many of you know, through a personal email I sent out, that I was featured in a Blog Article www.annechovie.blogspot.com by Anne Harwell. She's a fun artist/designer that I check in on from time to time because she always has interesting thoughts and work.
ALSO.... and this is huge - I got myself a new studio!!!!! Yes, 'putting it out to the universe' does work! I'll be in Middletown, RI on Aquidneck Island in a suite with 4 other artists. There's some shared space and some individual studios. Being messy, I get an individual studio. I'll post some photos as we move in. Thanks for enduring this very long post.
:) Kelley
There's kind of good news here, too. Last Saturday we bit the bullet and bought a super-duper SLR... which I can't figure out. The 'training' disks are like they were in Greek. For 3 days I've been debating whether to bring it back for a 'better' point-and-shoot version (also much cheaper) or to stick it out. So either I learn the new camera asap or bring it back and get the P-A-S PLUS another little pocket camera (and have $$ to spare) - either way I'll be posting by Monday. I'm PAINTING, just not posting. Actually I've been busy with those commissions, which, instead of being a chore, are actually turning out to be quite fun... and that's the way it should be.
Many of you know, through a personal email I sent out, that I was featured in a Blog Article www.annechovie.blogspot.com by Anne Harwell. She's a fun artist/designer that I check in on from time to time because she always has interesting thoughts and work.
ALSO.... and this is huge - I got myself a new studio!!!!! Yes, 'putting it out to the universe' does work! I'll be in Middletown, RI on Aquidneck Island in a suite with 4 other artists. There's some shared space and some individual studios. Being messy, I get an individual studio. I'll post some photos as we move in. Thanks for enduring this very long post.
:) Kelley
Friday, October 5, 2007
Hull Sunsets, 6x6 Oil

I once lived in a beautiful town called Hull, MA. It's a peninsula that stretches up from the South Shore of Boston into Boston Harbor. If you've ever flown out of Logan Airport going south, you could probably see it's unique shape from the window as you pass over it. Because it's such a narrow finger of land, ocean on one side, bay on the other, and it's low, you get incredible light throughout the day. But the most magical time is sunset, when literally if you look west you see something like I've painted above, and if you look east you see the reflected light in the sky over the Atlantic, all pink, purple and teal. I've never been anyplace like it.
Now, I've been fortunate enough to be commissioned to paint 6 small Hull sunsets. I've been working from photos, and if anybody ever tells you they did an entire painting from 'life' when doing a sunset... be suspicious! This moments are fleeting! The first two, shown here, are complete, with the exception of the grass, etc. that blew on the wet paint. That will flake off when dry. I'm mid-way through the third, and will post #3 and #4 together. So these are not for sale, although I'd take one more commission on similar ones before the holidays.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Boathouse Road, 6x12, Oil
This is a 'late' post - I painted this on Thursday of last week in Westport on Boathouse Row, - a gorgeous day in a gorgeous spot. I'm getting bored with the little landscapes, though. I feel the need to do some 'color shots', and play a little with design. We'll see what comes through. Sand and sea and sky and trees... nice and all, but it's failing the 'So What' question. What do you think?
Camel Hump Dunes, 6x8, Oil
For those of you seeing this and saying "ANOTHER dune painting!?!" ... sorry! I couldn't help myself! Yesterday I went painting with friends in Westport, MA, which, IMHO, has the best beaches in Massachusetts, because 1) it's got dunes, and 2) it's still in the 'Gulf Stream' which brings warm water to swim in (well, Portuguese Man O'War, too, but still...). Anyway it was, YET ANOTHER picture perfect day. As luck would have it, I had a total of two hours to paint and I absolutely SLATHERED this little one first, so I could paint a larger painting (see http://welcometomyartworld.blogspot.com/ for the larger piece). I'm working on a few commissions so 'free' painting time is at a premium, hence the 'slathering'. I like it anyway! Maybe more, since there was no time for fussing!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Saved From The Pie, 6x6 Acrylic

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Tea Time, 6x6 Acrylic

Finished this painting this morning by 7 a.m. I've always loved the celedon green teapots at this little restaurant in Westport called The Bayside. There's a view down to the water and it's just a sweet little place. I've been painting a lot - I'll post my North End painting on my studio blog at http://welcometomyartworld.blogspot.com/ after this post. I did one oil study there, then an acrylic. I absolutely cannot decide which medium I like better, although oil has a slight advantage :)
Clamdiggers, 6x12 Oil

I painted this study outside an Open Studio I was in yesterday in Bristol. Had a nice time, met some nice people, and got this painting in. These two girls were at the beach this summer in Westport, digging for clams. I don't know how successful they were with their red plastic shovels, but they had fun, and I did, too, just painting it. In November I'm studying with Peggy Kroll Roberts, who is a fantastic figure painter in Arizona. Selling my Daily Paintings has helped fund this, and I thank all of you who've helped!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Little Gould Island, 6x6 Oil

Monday, September 17, 2007
Just Kale, Oil, 6x6

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