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You might get a chuckle out of this.... when I was about 13 I FINALLY got a guitar (after much begging for a piano... a story for another day) and took lessons from Sister Barbara Thomas. The girls I met in class were mostly serious, like me, and we started hanging out and playing. (No nail polish for me!) We eventually got asked to play - at a B'nai B'rith (I hope I'm spelling this right) meeting. Now why these lovely ladies wanted a group of 8 girls from the Sacred Heart Academy to play - mostly songs from Mass - for them, I'll never know. We did learn "Hava Nagila" to play, as well. We had a BLAST - and they were so supportive and wonderful!
At that time there was a group, or band of a few older (17, 18 year olds) from our school and they called themselves "The Parables" (they played at the Folk Masses... get it?). One day while we were fooling around and practicing someone barged into our room and stood still, looking puzzled and said "What are you guy - the Pebbles?" (meaning The Parables) - well we couldn't stop laughing, and so our little group had a name. The Pebbles. I was a Pebble for about 3 years or so, till some of the girls went to college.
Our CHALLENGE topic for Girls Just Wanna Paint for August was "MUSIC". I found an old guitar with my sons' things, and started fooling around. Now the fingers on my left hand are practically all blistered, and sore, and I have been messing around with 'Garage Band' AND I've vowed to get myself a nice guitar. WOOO HOOO - one more thing to keep me from housework!
Check out our responses to "Music" HERE, and subscribe so you never miss our fun posts! We are adding a new piece - interviews - starting this month, so stay tuned~