
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Stuff On My Mantel, 6x6 Acrylic

6x6 inches, acrylic
$100 & $10 Shipping & Handling via Paypal

I'm trying to learn Photoshop, and it's not easy! Anyway, this painting is for my Challenge Group, the December topic being "Lamp", and there's my little pinecone painting and some winterberry branches. It's New Years' Eve, and I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010. I'm still reorganizing my 'Group', but will be finished soon, and you'll be getting these images in your Inbox, if you desire!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Portrait Challenge

At the end of the year Karin Jurick's Different Strokes Challenge is to paint another painter! You submit your photo and she sends you another painter's photo - this was my assignment and my finished piece.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Penguin Snow Globe, 6x6, Oil

Penguin Snow Globe, 6x6
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

I had a painting of the last (really!) rose from the garden, but at the last minute decided not to post it because I really think I need to work on 'roses'. The vase was OK, but the flower was not as rich in color as in real life, and I could see a real struggle with the petals.

THIS little guy, however, just sprang onto the board. I must really like painting little toys and such, you know? Anyway, just wondering... do you guys think I talk too much in my posts, and include information/subjects that are too personal? I'm thinking of applying (again!) to the Daily And I think my work ranks high enough to get in this time, but you never know what they'll reject you for. Just give me your honest opinion in the Comments section. I definitely can take it. And maybe I should reserve the more personal stuff for my 'Studio' blog, no?

Monday, December 14, 2009

YUM! 6x6, Oil

YUM!, 6x6
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

This is the last of the goodies from Allie's donuts! And I don't even know if it was TASTY, because it 'waited' it's turn at the studio.... so it was a few days old when I attempted it. Although I have to tell you, a little while under that light, and the studio smelled like someone was baking a cake! horrors! Sorry for the glare. And yesterday morning I woke up to the most beautiful morning.... view from my bed below! Now, just disregard those electrical wires, will you? It was such a soft blue with pinky light at the horizon. OK. I'm taking a couple of days 'off' at the end of this week to re-structure my email subscriber group. I'll try, but man, at this time of the year it's 'get-together' time!

Friday, December 11, 2009

One Clove, 6x6 Oil

One Clove, 6x6
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

**Please Note: Google has 'lost' my Subscription Group**
If you normally get these posts in the mail, I will probably be setting up a new 'group' to reinstate that. You will be getting an email asking you if you want to be part of the group. You'll just have to click on the link and we'll be back in business. So sorry!

Here's to making lots of 'sauce' this time of year for calzones, pizzas, and pasta! (And of course I use more than one clove!)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Trio, Oil, 6x6

Trio, 6x6
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

From Allie's Donuts! And I hope some of you who normally get my posts in their Inbox are checking in... I have no way to tell you I'm in Google Hell! Through some bug my 'Group' has become inaccessible to me, and there's a long process of recovery of the mailing list. Soooo... it may be a while, or I may have to ask people to sign up for a new group, due to this glitch. Enjoy your donuts, now...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Winner!

The winner of the Spearmints is TRES, who is a familiar contributor to my Comments section! Congratulations, Tres! This morning we awoke to our first snow of the season, so I put a red scarf on Paco (whose blog will be updated today) and took him out for a frightening, exhilarating romp in the wet fluffy white stuff! THEN I printed out all the comments and cut them into each person's section, put them in a cowboy hat and had my trusty assistant (read: husband) pick one. I didn't trust myself to pull a comment out of the hat, since I knew who'd left long messages, and whose were short and sweet. This way everyone had a fair shake. It was fun, and I have a couple of weeks before I hit my 500th post! That may also inspire some celebration, what do you think?

Below is a portrait of Bubba, my sister's dog. It's a Christmas present for my brother-in-law, who loves this dog - well, let's be honest - as much as he loves his wife and children! I have to finish the collar, but otherwise he's ready to go. His story? On Petfinder, my sister was looking for a puppy because she'd lost her beautiful dog and was grieving. Bubba was in Texas (she's in MA) and 5 or 6 weeks old, scheduled for euthanasia, and my BIL jumped on a plane and flew to Texas to bring him to his Forever home. He was only as big as a minute, and I think he knew he was 'saved' by Greg. He is a tremendously loyal dog, and is very treasured in their household. I hope the painting earns a place of honor at the Fire Station Greg works at! Very glare-y, I'm noticing now! Apologies.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Boston Cream, 5x7, Oil

Boston Creme, 5x7 Oil
$100 + $10 Shipping via Paypal

I dragged my husband out in the freezing rain on Saturday to see if we could find Allie's Donuts in North Kingstown, RI. On the Donut box it simply says "Allie's Donuts, Rhode Island", as if once you stumble across the border from MA you will immediately see a little donut shack! Let me tell you, 3 bridges and 45 minutes later (now... the whole state is as big as a minute, but it takes forever to get ANYWHERE here!) we were on this 'road to nowhere' with Allie's Truck Repair (which we pulled into), Allie's Car Something-Else, and Allie's Donuts. Allie is one multi-talented girl!
Anyway this is a type of donut I don't like to eat, so it was easy to paint. I made a Boston Cream Pie a long time ago and it was so divine no other cake or donut could possibly compare, so I don't bother! Anyway, trying to make a donut 'not a donut', in terms of painting. Trying to make it like a landscape, just following all the darks and lights, the rich colors in shadows, the saturated colors as the pastry turns away from the light. VERY fun. Tomorrow a.m. I choose the winner of the giveaway. If you've made a comment and didn't leave an email address - help me out - I need to be able to contact you! I promise I won't keep this contact info for any reason beyond tomorrow, and GOOD LUCK!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Spearmints, GIVEAWAY, 5x7 Oil

*PLEASE* leave me some contact info on your comment! :)
Happy Holidays to all views of my blog! As a gift to all my blog friends I'm going to give this little 5x7 painting to one of you! All you need to do is to tell me you want it, by making a comment on this post by Tuesday, December 8th! In his last years my dad always had a supply of these wonderful mints in the car, near his chair, everywhere he might be. I enjoyed painting the shapes, and especially the cellophane wrappers!

If you are not familiar with making 'comments: look on the blog (if you get this in an email form, look at the bottom of the email. It should say "Posted by Kelley MacDonald on Kelley MacDonald's Daily Paintings..." Click on the BLUE words (it's a link to my blog) then look below today's post - you'll see the words "2 Comments" (or 5 comments, or SOME number of comments), and click on THAT. It will open up a little window with comments made by others, and a box for you to type your comment in. Then if you have a google account, check off that dot, if not, you can click on "Name... URL" and type your name and blogsite, or email I believe. If nothing works include your email at the end of your 'Comment' so I can contact you!

Good luck everyone, and thank you for supporting me with your kind comments all through the year!
Maybe you missed the two exhortations to PLEASE leave me some sort of contact info (i.e. just your name won't get me in touch with you, and there are a LOT of people named 'Chris' out there!). Thank YOU! If I'm sounding desperate, I am... I have about a dozen people I couldn't contact if I wanted to who left comments!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Three Little Kisses, 5x5

$75 + $10 P&H - Happy Holidays
Oh, sometimes I just can't STOP myself! The colors on this trio were so intriguing. And I love the challenge of foil. The 'white' is white, for sure, in real life, but it also has yellow and a bit of pink in it. Doesn't show up in a photo no matter what I do.

And I got some wonderful news - My painting of "Blueberries" won an Honorable Mention at the Maryland Federation of Art's "Small Wonders" show!

I'm planning a Holiday Giveaway next week. Stay tuned!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Red Daisy, 5x7 Oil

Red Daisy, 5x7
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

Inspired by Sally Dean, I decided to paint a daisy today. The red color looked easy till I started - and then I ended up using 2 reds, a rose and orange! I save jars of all kinds (it should be fun to clean out my cabinets when I'm gone:}) and these tall hot pepper jars are perfect for one bloom.

Below is a photo I found, and have been looking for, literally, for 6 years. My son Conor took this photo of my cat, Max, on a snowy day when we lived in Hingham. It's my heartbreak that this beloved friend 'went missing' during a series of severe (think: they closed the airports...) thunderstorms while I was on a trip with my Dad. When I came home he'd been gone for 5 days. I spent that night in a lawn chair in the back yard, singing, because that's what he always came home to... but no luck. I could sing anything, show tunes, holiday music, whatever, and he would come running. He was my very best cat friend ever, and is very missed, still, 7 years later. This photo now has a place of honor in my studio.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Russian Teacup

Russian Teacup, 6x6
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

I have some teacups I'll be painting, and this first one is a Russian cup & saucer - the challenges being the semi-fluted shape of the ellipse of the lip, the deep indigo of the blue and the gold touches!

Below is what you'll find should you venture to Spring Bull Gallery in Newport, for their Les Petites Oeuvres Show for the month of December. One nice thing is that across the street is the DeBlois Gallery, where I have those 4 hung that I showed you!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Surprise Snowman! And Sketches

Surprise Snowman, 6x6
$100 + $10 S+H via Paypal

Here's another little guy I have hanging around my studio. I'm a fool for snowmen, I think! And below is one of my 'idea' pages for the paintings I did for the Telephone Challenge - you can see how well I follow up on them!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Telephone Challenge: Help Me Choose!

I'm involved with a 'challenge' with 9 other artists, and this month our task was to paint something with a 'telephone' theme. I had a zillion ideas, then ran out of time. Tomorrow I'll show you my 'idea' page in my sketchbook, but tonight I just need some votes on which one I'll submit. The top one, "Stuff My Cell Hears...", is acrylic, with collage (that ran... which is one reason why I usually stick to 'regular' painting..) and the bottom one "Never Without The Blackberry..." is regular oil. It started OUT as an acrylic painting, but all of a sudden the darks started feeling sticky, and I realized I'd loaded an oil paint onto my acrylic palette... eeeks! So I took it to the studio today and re-did the painting in oil. So... help me out, please, and tell me in your comments which I should submit to the Challenge. People in the challenge thought I was the 'uploader' this month and sent me some really wonderful paintings, and I think I was intimidated!

Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving, and are sufficiently 'stuffed'!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Girlfriend Drink, 6x6 Oil

Girlfriend Drink, 6x6
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

This painting of a Cosmo is going to the Oceanside 17 Gallery for their holiday tree of 'festivities'. So it will be available only there. I find that lots of time this is the choice drink of 'girlfriends' - I actually prefer the lighter pinky ones, but the only recipe I had came out like this. I'll take any advice on this!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone. I sure have a lot to be thankful for, and one of them is all the friends I've made through my art. You enrich my life in so many ways. Enjoy your holiday!

Saturday from 5-7 I'll be in Newport at the DeBlois Gallery on Belleview Ave for the Opening of the holiday show. I'd love to see you there! And a big THANK YOU to all of you who made your way to the North River Holiday Sale! I'd love to see images of my paintings in their final homes when they get there!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Who WAS That Woman? And More

This painting was done about 9 years ago - before I started painting with oils. I've always loved cacti, and I think it's a half-sheet of watercolor paper.

Below are the two paintings that I got in to the Small Wonders Exhibit at the Maryland Federation of Art. They will hang till December 25. The Blueberries painting has sold, providing it comes back from the show.

Also till after Christmas these two below will be offered at the Portsmouth Art Guild's Holiday Show, in Portsmouth, RI. Sorry for the glare on the bottom photo. I thought it was clear, and now I can't re-take it till the show comes down.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Painting Workshop

I just wanted to share with all of you the news that I'm giving a
Painting A Day Workshop January 16 & 17, 2010
at Oceanside 17 Gallery in Hull, MA. The hours are from 10-4 each day, Saturday and Sunday. I'm going to open it to all levels of ability. I will be demo-ing in oil, and have the most knowledge about that medium, but all mediums are welcome, and will benefit from the workshop. I'll have a handout for you to take home, too. Daily Painting improves your work no matter what your skill level! If you want to move your art forward, you should give it a try! And there's a whole community online for support and encouragement.

The price is just $175 for the workshop and the gallery owner, Franny Andahazy, is giving a 10% discount to anyone who signs up BEFORE November 30th. Contact her for deposit/payment info. Hope to see you there!

p.s. This photo is from the night BEFORE my Open Studio, when I was flat out exhausted, so please excuse the tired face!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sweet Time Of Year, Oil 6x6

Sweet Time Of Year, 6x6
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

Very glare-y, will repost when it is drier! This goes into the category of "What Was I Thinking?" ONE hershey kiss is hard enough to do - try a dozen, seen through glass..... I probably won't have a post tomorrow, because I'm giving a talk today on "My Life As An Artist" - scary, huh? I'm carting two huge bins plus 2 display easels and 2 outsized paintings to do it.. and I should have left already, only I still need to shower! I'm just going to take this afternoon to breathe, and maybe get my house in a little order... This painting is the last one for the DeBlois Gallery, showing in December.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Berry Good! Oil 6x6

Berry Good! 6x6
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

Another for the DeBlois Gallery's Itty Bitty Holiday Sale. I love painting raspberries, I don't paint the individual 'globes' on them, even though I just noticed it LOOKs like I do. I just dab varying lights of red on top of the darks, and the highlights on these babies are actually blue/gray and then the lightest of blues. I love how the shadows actually reflect a little of the hot reds as the light bounces through the clear red of the fruit!

I have two things I'd like to announce - 1) I just dropped off 20 little paintings at the North River Arts Society in Marshfield, MA (Old Main Road, right off 3A) where they will be part of the Holiday Sale THIS Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 21 and 22. 10-4 are the regular hours. Those in the 'know' show up (and pay $15) for the 'Early Bird' hour, from 9-10 on Saturday, they get to scope out the deals from all the fine artists in the South Shore Area. In the past I've put older pieces. This year I decided to put mostly current pieces in, at a reduced rate (it IS a fundraiser for a fabulous art association!). So they are less than the Daily Painting ordinary price. If you go, I guarantee you'll go again next year. I saw some amazing things dropped off last night. Oh! And on the stage there are larger paintings at great prices, too!

And 2) (still with me?) I encourage you to take a look at a blog that is relatively new, from an award winning artist who is colorful and fun, and was inspired by Julie and Julia, to blog 365 Flowers, in a very creative way! Her name is Sally Dean. Check it out....

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Herd Of M and M's, 6x6 Oil

Another NFS, scheduled to go to the DeBlois Gallery Itty Bitty Holiday Show.
After the show $100 + $10 S&H, via Paypal

After I painted this (and I thought I would lose my mind painting these tiny candies) I stepped back and thought it looked like a herd of M&M's - probably escaping their fate in my studio!

I had a sleepless night last night agonizing over this show. I ordered frames ($$!, you know how it is) and then before I went to bed I decided to read the prospectus (always a good time to do it, after you've started painting for the show and have ordered the frames!). The outside dimensions cannot exceed 36". OMG! I'm over - I'm WAY over!!!! Couldn't sleep. Got up before dawn and was scouring the internet for tinier canvases and frames... then around 7 a.m. I looked again, and this time I used the calculator (yeah, I'm mathematically challenged, that's right!) and... um... all my hysteria was for naught. I'm UNDER the limit. Do you ever do this to yourself?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Figs, 6x6 Oil

This one is NFS (not for sale) because it's part of 4 paintings that will go to the DeBlois Gallery on Belleview Avenue, Newport, RI, for their Holiday Invitational Show next week! There will be 4 of them. I'm honored to be invited to join these fine artists!
After the show (Jan 1, 2010) this is $100 + $10 S&H via Paypal.

Another mouse incident in the studio cut short my painting day.... I had somehow gotten cad red all over one hand (now I was wearing gloves but...) and the pumice soap was not doing the trick (fast enough) so I grabbed my bottle of vegetable oil (which I had lost the cap to) and saw something bobbing inside the botle....something kind of round... with legs and... a long tail... A poor field mouse! What a horrible way to die! I couldn't paint any more. I mean, I'm the one who blares my horn when I see hunters' pickup trucks parked on the side of the highway... I figure if I save just ONE deer or duck by startling it.....

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Autumn, 8x8 Oil

Conor's (my son) beautifully glazed bowl, a leaf found while walking Paco, and an apple - all remind me of this season. I love this support - it's Gessoboard, as opposed to yesterday's 'Martooni', which is on a canvas panel. For some reason I just love the paint sliding around on this smooth surface. How about you? What supports are your favorite?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Martooni Time, 6x8, oil

ETA - this is the 'new' photo
What a horrible photo! Tooo much glare! Not enough contrast. I'll re-post it on my blog tomorrow, but I didn't bring my camera to the studio today, and when I got home it was dark, and really hard to capture. I think I'll try this again, because I do love trying to paint clear 'things' (glass, water, etc), but I think maybe I'll lower the viewpoint and use a brighter color as a background, and put a STACK of olives in the 'martooni'.

$100 plus $8 shipping and handling, email me at

Monday, November 9, 2009

Little Gould Island Plein Air, 6x12, oil


Today was a gorgeous November day. The morning was all misty and atmospheric, and since I'm home-bound today, I thought I'd take Paco for his first real plein air session and trek over to the beach and paint the misty island in the river. Let us just say right here that Paco is a BELOVED pet but I was ready to put him on a bus after one hour. I walked carrying my heavy backpack, french easel, 2 leashes (one long, one short), a box to take the painting home in, Paco's best 'baby', water bowl and water for him, and HIM on the leash. First he 'helped' me unload the backpack (as the wind took the paper towels, the little canvases, the palette, then when we got settled down he picked up his waterbowl and shook it (yeah, I hear you all sniggering) all over my BACK (I was sitting at a picnic table, and he could scamper up on it). While I was replenishing his water he sneakily took my best brush and sat quietly under the table till I heard the big CRUNCH, (yeah... now I'm using language that cannot be put in a blog), then, when I thought he had settled down with his Baby, I hear plastic and see that he's unearthed some plastic ties and was gobbling them. Ok, maybe he's hungry, so cookies. Err... not so hungry, but found some nice, petrified dog poop buried in the sand to snack on.....
I finally hauled him & the painting home, nothing like painting under pressure! And let's just say he has a LONG way to go to become a plein air dog. Maybe I should bring his crate (which, BTW he only goes into at night to sleep)???

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Clover, Queen Anne's Lace and An Award!

Clover, Queen Anne's Lace, 6x6
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

This is 6x6 inches, and is a cluster of more 'roadside weeds' that Paco and I find on our walks, Clover and Queen Anne's Lace. The photo's a little dark, I'll replace it when I get to the studio on WEDNESDAY! (Sometimes life gets in the way... will try to paint at home tomorrow). In the meantime, look what I got! p.s. I don't know if the font on the rest of the post will look OK - it looks kind of LARGE even though I adjusted it already!

Creative Blogger Award

Thank you, Marie Theron, for this award! Marie is a very creative Blogger who lives on the west coast of Africa. The wonderful thing about the blogsphere, well, one of the wonderful things, is that you get to 'virtually' meet people from all over the world, whom you may never have come in contact with otherwise. And the art you can see - every day! Well, I urge you all to visit her blog: for some reason the hyperlink wouldn't work for me.
Well, now I'm supposed to reveal 10 non-art things about myself (you get enough of these awards, and there's not much people won't know about you!). So here goes:
  1. I'm studying Qi Kung (the healing exercises of Tai Chi), and really am enjoying it.
  2. I love to hang out in cemeteries. As a child we lived near one and I love reading the headstones and getting to 'know' the folks that have gone before.
  3. As a child I was.... precocious - got my mouth taped shut with masking tape, got locked in a closet (for eating someone's gold crayon - there's a story there), got seating in a high chair facing the class in kindergarten... I was a regular Chatty Cathy (remember that doll?).
  4. I was unable to have pets as a child, so I used to collect and 'befriend' pussywillows. I used to name them, take them to school and line them up on my desk, etc.
  5. I would wear jeans every single day and for every event if I could.
  6. I'm a shoe junkie.
  7. I actually stop breathing (and get lightheaded) in art museums. My husband thankfully keeps and eye on me and nudges me, reminding me to breathe. I know, lame!
OK!~ Now for passing on this wonderful award! To the recipients: just list 7 things about yourself (non-art related) and then kindly pass on the award to 7 deserving bloggers! Here goes, check these guys out:
  1. Sally Dean, who has just started her blog about 365 days of flowers,
  2. Dean Grey, for his beautiful art, beautiful thoughts, and his willingness to share his journey, though it is not easy right now.
  3. Christine McCoy, because you just never know what's going to show up on her blog, and her figures inspire me.
  4. Dreama Tolle Perry - just look at her paintings... you'll understand.
  5. Elizabeth Seaver, who is a master at mixed media, and truly a fun-minded artist!
  6. Amy Hillenbrand is an artist who mainly does interiors for this blog - so beautiful, you just want to step into them!
  7. R. Garriott, who not only delights the viewer with wondrous paintings, but generously shares tips for working artists!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Snowman Fun! 5x7 Oil

Snowman Fun, 5x7
$100 +$10 S&H via Paypal

Today I had a lot of fun in the studio. Paco was being the BEST studio friend, and things were just 'working' with the paintings, you know? I heard that we may get snow - and although I don't really believe it ( I mean I was wearing no jacket, just a sweater today), I thought I'd celebrate by painting this little guy. He 'walks' when you wind him up. Fun!

Cairn II, Oil, 6x6

OK, you rock lovers! Here's another cairn from my Briggs Beach rock collection. The color is a little washed out in the photo. I am buying Photoshop Elements for Dummies, and am going to take a few days and LEARN it. I love to pile these rocks. This was a pile of little stones - which I knocked over just after I finished the painting (thank goodness it was AFTER!).

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Time for Decaf (Red Rose), 6x6 Oil


This is another of Conor's handmade mugs, perfect for a nice big cup of tea. I put down a piece of chocolate colored fabric, and it was tooooo dark. But with a bit of lavender cloth underneath, it worked. Or at least I think it did!

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Day With No Glasses, 5x7 Oil

Today I seem to have lost my last pair of 'readers'... OK, I had them on last night and today they're AWOL. So this was painted without any clear vision. Probably why its smudgy looking! I found a pair (stopped at two places on the way home from the studio - they each had every strength but 2.25, which is what I need - I didn't even CARE what they looked like!) in the bottom of my backpack, twisted so the 'arms' were in front - so I can kind of see now - although they're very scratched! Anyway I had this great pomegranate and wanted to paint it so I did (2 for $4 at Whole Foods). Kind of don't like the split background. Should've gone with all yellow-y green.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's Five O'Clock Somewhere, Oil, 6x6

It's Five O'Clock Somewhere, 6x6
$100 & $10 S&H via Paypal

Bloody Mary with olives, lemon and celery!!!! Thanks to Manon Doyle for giving me the idea for the title with her comment on my last post! OK, now I don't feel like I copied my friend - these are two COMPLETELY different 'takes' on Bloody Marys, and I still love hers (I'll post them all on our GirlsJustWannaPaint Blog after the weekend). And now that I wasn't 'able' to do the dark background, I'm just as happy. This one painted itself... Thank goodness for days like this! I'm updating my Studio Blog, too.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

All The Fixings, Oil, 6x6


Having recovered from my wonderful Open Studio on Sunday, I am trying to get something to submit to my 'Challenge' group, whose topic for this month was 'Hot Sauce'. However, I found another painter painted what I'd planned (a Bloody Mary) just the way I would have done it - and did such a great job that I had to think of something else to paint. So.... here's the ingredients for a Bloody Mary with Olives, like my friend Ros Farbush likes (had one with her & another friend last Friday!). Who knows, maybe I'll paint the beverage tomorrow - I'll have them at the studio... so if you're thirsty.....
**the most fun thing to paint was the jar of olives....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Warren Walkabout, Tomorrow, 10/25 from 11-5

Hi everyone! Sunday, October 25th from 11-5 I'll be welcoming you all into my studio during the Warren Walkabout! Should be decent weather, and my family (including Paco) will be there to meet and greet! Aside from hanging with me where I work, there's the opportunity to visit some amazing artists and artisans in walking distance from my studio. Also there's the Taste of Warren directly across the street at the Warren Fire Station (free munchies!).

Some VERY cool places to visit will be:
The Warren Chairworks (they'll be demo-ing) - you can practically see the studio from my place
Altamira lampworks (you have GOT to see these RISD guys' work - fun and amazing!)
Weaving by Arlene McGonagle directly below me
Mudstone Studios one building over from Altamira - same building as the Chairworks

I will have maps. Many, many more artists and restaurants will be open, I hear restaurants will be giving little samples, too. I will have two 'bargain bins' - one for $35, older Daily Paintings and one for $50, anything (and I mean anything) over the size of the Daily Paintings. Trying to clear out the studio to make room for more! Anyway I would love to see you all... if you come be sure to see me out and say "Hi!"

Friday, October 23, 2009

Conor's Bowl, 5x7 Oil

Conor's Bowl, 6x6
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

YAY! Back in the studio, albeit supposedly cleaning. Cleaning is my LEAST favorite thing to do in the world because it involves sorting. Bad sorter, I am. Anyway this gorgeous celadon colored bowl is one of two that my son Conor, the potter, made for me. I wanted to paint it with apples to show how gorgeous the glaze is... but then I got carried away and wanted to put this stripey background in. I think the bowl deserves the limelight, so it will probably be painted again. But those crazy wiggling stripes were fun to paint, too!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hot Sauce And Garlic, 6x6 Oil

My humblest apologies for being AWOL ... no real excuse, just was preparing for a big submission, dealing with the rejection of said submission, slapping myself upside the head to get back in the real world to get in the mood and get ready for my Open Studio on Sunday at the Warren Walkabout (err... my studio was 1,200 square feet of MESS after my submission!). And then I alternately 'lost' my camera or let the battery run down. SO. Enough of that.

With the photo below, you can see why I love to get up in the morning - this is a just-pre-dawn shot of what I see out my bedroom window.... (oooops - a little tilt-y!) and you guys, believe this, I've MISSED you all and posting!
Also, shots of Paco helping prep the studio are on Paco's Blog....

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wiiiiiiiipe Out! Also, Favorite Coffee Cup, Oil, 6x6

Favorite Coffee Cup, yxy
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

You know how you have a mug or a cup that everything just tastes better in? One that just fits in your hand and everything about it, the color, the shape, is just what you love? No? You're not crazy attached to things like that? OK. I am. Definitely - this is my 'go-to' cup, it's from Sweeden, from Rorstrand (lots of RRRRRrrrr's there, I guess), and it's called Sweedish Grace and it actually has the most subtle wheat pattern on it. Today I found out that a hairline crack lets liquid leak out of it. So it is retired to the studio (where it leaked coffee all over my green cloth!). I painted it yesterday (below) but wiped it off, because after I made this just fine painting, I decided to get all anal and painted in the wheat sheaves - which completely ruined the painting. Wiped it off, and did the above painting today. And below, last but not least, a gift for all of you, tonight's sunset. Unbelievable. Also I'm updating my studio blog, and Paco's blog, too!


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Handmade, 6x6 Oil

This wonderful mug was made by my son Conor. It has a bluey-green color with a hint of a soft orange that is really neat. People want him to make more, but it was an 'accident in the kiln' that created this color, he says. A challenge to paint? YES! But inspired by all the striped backgrounds I've been seeing on blogs lately I tried using some great striped fabric I have... see the result below. Ummmmmm... can you say 'wipe off'? The background was so vibrant that it overpowered the delicate shading of the mug, which was, after all, the focal point. So I switched to a white background, above. Took hours, but there you go.