
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Autumn, 8x8 Oil

Conor's (my son) beautifully glazed bowl, a leaf found while walking Paco, and an apple - all remind me of this season. I love this support - it's Gessoboard, as opposed to yesterday's 'Martooni', which is on a canvas panel. For some reason I just love the paint sliding around on this smooth surface. How about you? What supports are your favorite?


  1. Very fall like, Kelley. I paint on gessoboard a lot using oil pastels and I love the surface.

  2. i love the depth and bright, crisp feeling of the whole painting (and you make my bowl look great ;) )

    You've captured fall in a bowl!

  3. Olga underwire. My favorite support.

  4. Love that juicy bowl and background. Great colors! I paint on Raymar panels and regular stretched canvas with lots of gesso to make it smooth.

  5. This painting just looks like fall! Wonderful color choices, as always. Kelley, you are a master with color! Beautifully done!

  6. Wonderful painting Kelley and I love Gessoboard!!

    I got really lucky today when I went to the Apple store to ask questions about my Mac! The gentleman who helped me was a photography professor at the art school here in Columbus!! He told me I do need lights and a new camera because mine isn't cutting it if I want prints. I want a camera that is RAW capable.... yes... sister.... I spent over an hour with this man and my head is spinning!

  7. Love the Autumn theme. I paint on gessoboard all the time and love it for the same reason you do.

  8. beautiful colors here, the plate is a really attractive blue! I love gessoboard!

  9. That plate is very tactile, one can pick it up and feel the smooth glaze. I work on commercial ready-stretched canvasses or canvas board. I find handmade cooton duck stretched canvas prepared with gesso is too heavy to be sent in the mail.

  10. The paint looks creamy and buttery - I love when a surface takes on this quality - looks great -

    I like to paint on masonite. . .

  11. You love that bowl, and it shows in the way you painted it...I love that bowl too...the whole painting really works!

  12. This is a very "rich" painting. The hues and application of paint make it luscious.

  13. I love this, Kelley!

    The colors are fun and the composition is simple yet delightful.

    The thick brushstrokes are quite lively too!




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