
Friday, October 23, 2009

Conor's Bowl, 5x7 Oil

Conor's Bowl, 6x6
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

YAY! Back in the studio, albeit supposedly cleaning. Cleaning is my LEAST favorite thing to do in the world because it involves sorting. Bad sorter, I am. Anyway this gorgeous celadon colored bowl is one of two that my son Conor, the potter, made for me. I wanted to paint it with apples to show how gorgeous the glaze is... but then I got carried away and wanted to put this stripey background in. I think the bowl deserves the limelight, so it will probably be painted again. But those crazy wiggling stripes were fun to paint, too!


  1. hi kelley!
    oh how fun! i like the background. it is fun!

    :) melissa

  2. I love it- the background is fun but another one with a quieter background would also be good. I do love thestripes though-

  3. Yes, I think my eye doesn't know where to go in this painting! Too bad - I like the bowl and the apples! Maybe I'll see if I can 'neutralize' it this afternoon!

  4. A lovely composition where wallpaper, bowl and fruit were awarded equal importance. About cleaning the studio, I have just discovered that if I wrap transparent plastic wrap tightly around white canvasboard, I have a good pallete. Cut loose and discard the old paint and rewrap for a fresh pallete.

  5. Kelley,
    I love this painting!! I really love the background and the perspective of the bowl. Very very nice!!

  6. Kelley, Great painting, great bowl. Isn't it wonderful to have talented children. I am fortunate to have four talented children and now 3 grandchildren equally talented. A Blessing for sure. I will be looking forward to seeing your son's bowl again in a painting. Jeanne
    ps great idea from Marie Theron.

  7. Kelley!

    At least you toned down the color of the stripes this time!

    They don't look that bad. Maybe if just several stripes showed on the wall instead of all the way down the painting?

    It's good that you are experimenting. You can always change it, right?


  8. I love the stripes. They are so juicy! Neutral is overrated ;-)
    Good job!

  9. Anne Winthrop CordinOctober 26, 2009 at 1:29 PM

    I can so relate to the notion of being excited by everything in the painting-so nothing ends up being a focal point. And you know, sometimes thats not a bad thing!The painting looks like fun.

  10. I like it although the stripes might be a little jumpy. But, I agree with most of the comments too, it's YOUR painting and it rocks, just like you!

  11. I love this piece Kelley, sorry I missed it...I like everything about it! The stripes pointing to the sensitively painted bowl works as a juxtaposition for me. Great job!


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