
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Penguin Snow Globe, 6x6, Oil

Penguin Snow Globe, 6x6
$100 + $10 S&H via Paypal

I had a painting of the last (really!) rose from the garden, but at the last minute decided not to post it because I really think I need to work on 'roses'. The vase was OK, but the flower was not as rich in color as in real life, and I could see a real struggle with the petals.

THIS little guy, however, just sprang onto the board. I must really like painting little toys and such, you know? Anyway, just wondering... do you guys think I talk too much in my posts, and include information/subjects that are too personal? I'm thinking of applying (again!) to the Daily And I think my work ranks high enough to get in this time, but you never know what they'll reject you for. Just give me your honest opinion in the Comments section. I definitely can take it. And maybe I should reserve the more personal stuff for my 'Studio' blog, no?


  1. Kelly,
    I love the way you are and don't change. As for Daily Painters go for it.

  2. Heck-to-the-no: you don't talk too much and if you apply again to DP, you will most certainly have my vote.

  3. Reading about how an artist arrived at an idea or how it worked is, I think, interesting... at least to other artists. Maybe it depends on your audience? Short is always sweet but a story is good.

    Nice painting, by the way: charming and fun for Christmas!

  4. oh my- Ive missed you- very yummy!
    you are wonderful Kelley.

  5. I like your blog as-is and wouldn't change a thing. Good luck with the DP submission! I've submitted many a time and have never made it in but I keep trying anyway since I'm a glutton for punishment.

  6. Thanks for your input, everyone! Good reminder, Diana - short is good!

    And Kerri, I'll be working on 'rejection #3 or 4 from them.... I know!
    xoxo Kelley

  7. Your work is great and always adds a bit of fun personality in creative ways. I hope you get to be on the DP, you'd be a great addition to the group!

  8. hi Kelly! This image is so cute! I lov visiting your blog, they way you write makes me fell i have met you and know you, even though I havonly read your blog..and Paco's blog.

  9. Don't change a thing.
    Love your little snow globe.

  10. Kelley!

    This little guy is adorable, whimsical, and full of life and color!

    Perfect for this time of year!


    P.S.: Regarding the Daily Painters. Is it something you want to commit to on a daily basis? If yes, then go for it, girl!!

  11. Hi Kelley - I came here to comment on your DSFDF portrait - excellent!- but was immediately distracted by all of your other great work and this Penguin Snow Globe especially. Great work! I look forward to following and Happy New Year!

  12. Hello Kelly,
    very nice and funny work. :-)

  13. this one makes me smile. love the economy of stroke. Only in painting is that a good thing.

  14. Oh so cute, never saw your snow globe painting, they are so fun.


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