
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Portrait Challenge

At the end of the year Karin Jurick's Different Strokes Challenge is to paint another painter! You submit your photo and she sends you another painter's photo - this was my assignment and my finished piece.


  1. wow kelley!

    there is nothing that you cannot do! you are amazing! i love your portrait!

  2. Great portrait Kelley, I'm sure he will be delighted!

  3. Melissa and Emmitt said it all -- you truly are amazing!

    Janet Mc

  4. Oh, you guys make me feel sooo good! Thank you.

  5. great portrait and I like the fact that it is monochrome.

  6. cool Kelley! I like how you captured the light in this one.
    Did someone paint you?

  7. Really well done, and the sepia just fits.

  8. wow, I think you did a great job here. I'd better get crackin'!

  9. You should do more portraits--really good!

  10. Kelley, So fabulous! Everything you do, you do well! I am so impressed! That is a beautiful portrait! I love the monochromatic color palette! Great job!

  11. I kept wondering where are Kelly's emails (she must be on a journey, or busy painting for a show...) and so I found you, scrolled down to see all the paintings I missed, and saw that you were dropped by goggle. So I'll sign up again. I missed you.

  12. Hi Kelley. I REALLY LIKE your painting of me, very much! I "blundered" into your blog & there I am/was/be! Dang, what a shock to see myself! Thank you for such a good job! I hope you're happy with my painting of you.

    By the way my youngest daughter's name is Kelly. And she has just sent me an email as I'm writing this! I'm going to go to bed now. Toooooo weird!

    Happy Holidays,
    Ken B. (

  13. PS - Kelley, your painting of me is one of the best Christmas presents that I'll receive this year. Thanks again!.

    Ken B

  14. I love the portrait! So artistically captured and the likeness is dead on!

  15. You really aced the likeness! Love that monochromatic style. Your values are awesome!

  16. Great Stuff Kelley. After a few weeks of daily paintings I thought I would do a self portrait.

    Its a lot harder than apples, especially trying to keep it simple.

    Anyway this is a great effort!

  17. Excellent, Kelley!! Great painting of Ken.

    Hope you have a Merry Christmas & joyous 2010.
    best to you,

  18. Outstanding portrait! I really like your side by side presentation! You captured him well!

  19. Hi Kelley - thank you for stopping by my blog. I am going thru your posts now and enjoying your writing style on each piece. I find it interesting to learn how each artist comes to each piece.

  20. This is so powerful, and one of my favorites of the portrait challenge. Really, really good!

  21. Kelley, this painting is loose and tells the story perfectly

  22. Great job with the portrait, Kelley!

  23. You really captured the likeness! Great portrait painting!

  24. This is one of my favorites. Excellent job!

  25. Auggghhh! You guys are so KIND! This painting just flew off the brush - I had a WTF attitude about doing it - I was ON MY WAY TO BED, in pj's! Maybe I should paint in that *mode* more often!

  26. Kelley, this portrait is awesome!Bravo

  27. Kelley, I know I already told you on Facebook that I love this but I'm here to say it officially on your blog. You have pulled off a painterly rendering of this guy and yet you really got his look (and man, that nose is perfect! Noses are hard for me). Great job, girl!

  28. Great job - I would have been scared to do this, worried about what kind of photo I was getting, one without a dramatic light source? Hard to read values - argh!!! - BUT I just looked at all 180 entries on KJ's site and they are all so fun to look at - every single one of them - !

  29. Great likeness, I'll have to check out the rest of the portraits.

  30. You did a great job on this portrait, Kelley. He will love it.

  31. Kelley, this is one of the very best portraits, I loved it as soon as I saw it and should have commented then. Wonderful!

    Good luck with your workshop!!!


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