
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's Five O'Clock Somewhere, Oil, 6x6

It's Five O'Clock Somewhere, 6x6
$100 & $10 S&H via Paypal

Bloody Mary with olives, lemon and celery!!!! Thanks to Manon Doyle for giving me the idea for the title with her comment on my last post! OK, now I don't feel like I copied my friend - these are two COMPLETELY different 'takes' on Bloody Marys, and I still love hers (I'll post them all on our GirlsJustWannaPaint Blog after the weekend). And now that I wasn't 'able' to do the dark background, I'm just as happy. This one painted itself... Thank goodness for days like this! I'm updating my Studio Blog, too.


  1. this is bloody fantastic. I love it!You have really captured the SPIRIT in this one-bravo!
    I had a good painting day too today- maybe its the rain?

  2. Ha I LOVE this one Kelley. Isn't it great when they just hop onto the canvas! sending you and TacoPaco warm hugs from chilly Dallas...

  3. wow the structure of the glass here is terrific and love the shadow...I love the whole thing!

  4. The glass is amazing! And I love the green reflection on the rim, from the olives.

  5. Great job! It makes me salivate just looking at it!

  6. Oh Kelley, I love this painting. Colors are just great and makes me want a Bloody Mary, like now. Your paintings have a lot of spunk. Jeanne

  7. Love the idea of Girls Just Want to Paint - will scoot on over to the blog after - love the idea of painting a drink instead of drinking one!!! Nice job!

  8. Yummy! WOW, beautiful modelling on the olives and glass and nice saturated colors: LOVE this one!! ...and it "painted itself?!" too delightful.

  9. This looks delicious, Kelley!

    I love it!

    Props to Manon for inspiring such a clever title too!


  10. Great painting - it looks so delicious!

  11. Love everything about this. The red next to the green/blue background is the perfect compliment. Your glass is amazing!

  12. Love all but this Five0'clock somewhere is wonderful, It would be perfect with a sugar douhnut for breakfast. Love your clean confident strokes and hightlights. Sandra Baggette


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