Yesterday afternoon I started this little Daily Painting, hoping to get ahead a day, so I could spend one whole day plein air painting followed by some studio work on bigger pieces. But I just couldn't get this right. I was using the local color, which had a dull dark red for the background, and a greenish white for the cloth under the fruit. The shadow side looked reddish-greenish (now THERE's a color you won't find in a tube!) and the top of the fruit was vapid and white-ish under the light from the lamp. So I threw in the towel and left it. This morning it seemed I knew just what would work, and in about 20 minutes had gotten it to this stage - with no visual reference (we had eaten the cantaloupe for breakfast!). Sometimes you just have to paint what it feels like. This is one good example of that!
Thanks, everyone who emailed me about not giving up on food as a theme. You're right. Almost everything's 'been done'. But not by me! :)