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Monday, June 8, 2015

Oh, Honey!, 6x12 Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

Right now I'm on my yearly painting retreat in Maine.  7 days of art - IMAGINE!  We only have to worry about what's for dinner one night each, and we do housekeeping the morning we leave.  It's a love fest, and a week of intense sharing of news in the art world, techniques, art history and ideas.  

On the road to the nearest lighthouse is a beekeeper who sells her wares from her porch.  She lines up different sized jars with a 'honey bee bear' on the railing.  Against the house are the butterflies she makes and sells.  I look forward to this still life every year. And the light coming through that honey - BAM!


  1. Kelley, have a great time, love your painting!!

  2. Oh I do love honey...and I do believe I remember you talking about this before (the honey, I mean). I know you are having (or had) a blast, Kelley! Love the painting...honey...

  3. Kelley, this painting is just fabulous!

  4. Have a wonderful week!!! Love the honey jars.


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