
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Renewal, 6x6 Acrylic Painting of Tulips by Kelley MacDonald

$100 & 10 S&H

Springtime MEANS tulips to me.  I adore all the different variations.  A few years ago my friend Paula Villanova and I went to Holland the week the tulips were supposed to be peaking.  Well, when we arrived there had been a historic heat wave in the Netherlands, and the temps hit 90 many days in a row - which is a death knell for tulips. We managed to paint a lot and have a ton of fun anyway (right?  of course right!)  You can check our blog about it HERE.

This painting just thrilled me.  Who would have ever thought that violet would be a good background for red tulips?  I tried it out tentatively, and then went right into it, full force - loving how it came out.  Dedicating this post and bouquet to a friend who is dealing with caring for her husband's mom, navigating all the options of best care, with her open heart.  I keep her in my prayers, as I know how hard it is on that road.


  1. Gorgeous. Love the tulips and that you went for it with the perfect background to make them shine shows what a fine and smart artist you are! Love the thoughtful post and thank you for your love and support always. Blessed that you are a special friend! XO Kell!

  2. What a fabulous and cheery painting. And the violet makes a fabulous background. Very nice post today. So sorry for your friends mother in law.

  3. Beautiful Spring flowers. I will be listening to you today radio STAR. Great topic PRICING.

  4. Love the color palette you used Kelley. Tulips are tough because of the quick "droopage". These look very happy.
    The heat wave story reminds me of your beautiful area. The time I did the Boston Susan Komen walk in July. Temps were typically 85 and we walked during a freak heatwave when it reached 102 degrees. Still fun.

  5. Bring on spring!!! Love the bright colors...yayyy

  6. So sorry I missed a couple of posts, Kelley. I've been pretty sick this week, alas. I really love the rock balance piece but the tulips are beautiful too!


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