
Friday, April 5, 2013

Fun Time Tulips, 8x8 Inch Acrylic Painting by Kelley MacDonald

$125 & $10 S&H

Painting today was frustrating.  I wanted to paint shore paintings, gulls and plovers and children in the waves.  But after 3 tries, nothing was working.  Why?  I had great reference material... I had new-ish brushes and all my favorite colors laid out in front of me.  I had time and space to myself.. good music on....  I complained on Facebook, 'got it all out', meditated, took a walk, looked at other art I like...  Then I decided to clean up and forget today's work.  But I had a bit of paint on my disposable palette and I thought, I'm just going to design a painting of my tulips, and it can dry and I'll work on it tomorrow.  But when I got the design in I decided to pop in a few color notes, and one thing led to another and I was IMMERSED.  I had a blast!  It's a little different in technique, but hey, experimenting is good!  So thrilled with it I want to share it.  So instead of the usual $150 for this size work I'm offering it for $125.  And I'm going to do more like this!
My other title I was going to go with was "Exuberance!"  Do you like it better?


  1. I'm thrilled with this one too! I think it is one of your best. I like the title you chose; the two drooping tulips would negate the title of "Exuberance" I think. But then again, the irony makes it funny too. Oh dear. You pick the title!! LOL

  2. This is great! Sometimes letting go of what you think you want to do, opens doors for opportunity. Glad you stuck with it! And you got your studio cleaned!

  3. Fabulous!!! Love this style and the light coming from behind. xoxo

  4. It all works--the tall tulip cropped a bit, the two droopy ones (SO like tulips!) and the vibrant green background. Your enjoyment comes through with this one.

  5. I love this Kelley, the red/green is a winning combination and so well balanced.Lots of variety in the tulips to keep my eyes moving around!!

  6. Kelley, Beautiful painting! So glad to know that we all have days like that, where nothing seems to work. This is a great lesson in "keeping on"! Look at the great result!

  7. Nothing wrong with Fun Time Tulips! Save "Exuberance" for another one. Just sayin.... I love this painting!


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