
Sunday, April 7, 2013

On My Easel

Two shows need work for later this month, so I've been working on larger pieces.  This one is 20x24, Oil on canvas.  I had the design from one of my zillions of photographs of gulls, and I just concentrated on design and paint application... It is agony (in setting up the design and that 'math', as I call it) then fun (digging into the paint and using free, expressive strokes), then agony again, as I look at it with a cold eye and decide what does and doesn't work and doing the 'editing'.  
First show is at the Spring Bull Gallery on Belleview Avenue in Newport, RI.  It's called "A Sampling Of The South Coast Artists" and will run the month of May.  I will have 3 pieces in this.  Then I will be  the featured Artist at Sea Rose Cottage Thursday, April 25, from 5-9 in Bristol, RI on Gallery Night.


  1. Kelley, love the design, love the movement.. beautiful. Makes me long for summer.

  2. Awesome, Kelley!! I know there will be red dots in your future!

  3. Sounds like lots of congratulations are due you! I love that you are keeping to the South Coast theme with the gull piece! I can almost hear them calling! (translation: screeching)

  4. This is cool Kelley !
    Lots of good stuff going on for you.....

  5. Soooo beautiful--it makes my heart sing.

  6. The are such good gulls. You have a lot on your plate and the paintings are fantastic.

  7. beautifully done Kelley. Good luck!


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