
Monday, April 1, 2013

Seeking Balance, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting by Kelley MacDonald

$100 &n $10 S&H

Again, one of my favorite themes.  I spent some time collecting NEW rocks last weekend with Tim and Paco.  Unbelievably, on the beach, there was only one other car.  Turns out it was friends of ours from Boston.  What a great surprise... and Paco recognized them first....

I think we are all in need of a reminder to keep balanced.  I love these cairns so much I often wear tiny ones as earrings.  An artist in Maine makes them.  Throughout the day when I touch them I am reminded.... seek a balance.  These paintings never last long, but I am never sorry to see them go to someone who also knows about the importance of balance in our lives.

This was a demo last Saturday, and the lesson was about edges, values, texture, and .... yes, balance.  When you zoom in you can see the 'freckles' and 'scars' that makes each stone unique.


  1. Beautifully painted and lovely post about balance! Very true!!

  2. I love rocks to and these just pop at you, yet balance exists as they nest so closely together and in harmony. Love your background color choice. Yes, balance is a daily meditation in itself.

  3. Only you can paint rocks so beautifully. Love it


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