
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Chiquita, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting of a Pug by Kelley MacDonald

Click HERE to purchase Chiquita 
$100 & $10 S&H

Can you stand it?  Pugs (with the exception of mine) let you dress them up, and their constant baleful look is guaranteed!  I have loved this image of the knitted hat with fruit on top for a long time.  And he/she is so CONCERNED!
Well, I've decided that the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge by Leslie Saeta, is going to get COCKTAILS on the weekends.  After all, I don't want you to get sick of the puggies. And I have to say, a lot of people enjoy cocktails on the weekend.  What ones do you like?

So, truly, a LOT of my friends are doing this 30/30 Challenge.  Thankfully I'm the only one doing pugs.  Check them out HERE.


  1. Pubs is so cute and oil painting its more different to cool cool

  2. Baleful indeed. That poor Pug! I hope you did this in your imagination or I would guess this beauty was mad at her mommy for a day! LOLOL Carmen Miranda has nothing on this cutie!

  3. Oh Kelley, this is just the best pug painting ever! What a way to wow us all for the week-end, and now you're going to treat us to cocktails-what a friend.
    Check out Nancy Medina with her pug on the DPW newsletter this morning.

  4. Love these pugs, Kelley....This one does look worried.

  5. OMG it's Paco 'Miranda' :D
    that is hilarious and so well painted!!! Excellent!

  6. I am cracking up. The eyes have it. So funny!

  7. Haha, thanks for the smile! :)

    I love the concept and the subject but I'm also blown away that in just a few strokes (it seems like) you've captured her eyes so beautifully. <3

  8. Love those baleful eyes , painted like the pro you are! I appreciate your comments too Kelley.

  9. The expression on your pug is PRICELESS - absolutely love this!

  10. I love, love, love this one!! All of your work is so filled with life.


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