
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Tenderness, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting of Pugs by Kelley Macdonald

"Tenderness", #2 in 30 Pugs in 30 Days

Here we are!  Day #2 of Leslie Saeta's Challenge: 30 Paintings in 30 Days! I don't know what 'gets' me more in this image - the mom nuzzling the baby, or that little round headed baby!  Here we are on Day #2, with high hopes and a lot of enthusiasm.

I like working in a series.  I go through a pretty predictable routine.  I'm thrilled, all excited about the new painting... I go go go along, and ... whoops... I notice something I don't like.  Maybe it's the drawing (I can always use drawing practice), or the values are off.. then I panic.  How can I finish?  Should I wipe it off?  Try to save it?  And then, whatever I do, wipe or save, it starts to feel good again, and I'm getting that Ah-Ha feeling.  

One thing:  if you've ever seen a pug puppy you know:  wear emotional armor.  They are pretty irresistible.  There's a lot of great things about pugs, but believe this:  THEY do not accept that they are dogs.  They LIKE dogs... but they are small, furry people.

If interested in this painting, email me at  First person to ask for a Paypal Invoice will get it.  :)  $100 & $10 S&H


  1. This is the best Kelley!~ I just love the round headed baby AND the perfectly rendered mom. Brava!

  2. Kelley, these pug paintings couldn't be any cuter! Can hardly wait to see more!

  3. Love the glimpse of iris on the mommy Pug. I love how they are Eskimo kissing too. Great sharpness to this piece that I love, Kelley.

  4. Awww so sweet! You really nailed it! Someone needs to snap this one up for a Valentine's or Mother's Day present!

  5. ohmygoodness you were right!!!! cute meter is off the charts!!! Love it

  6. Sooo cute! I love this one Kelley. Beautifully painted. What fun ; )

  7. AWWWW...Love it Kelley. Looking forward to more.

  8. Precious!!! Fab painting!! You are on a roll. xoxo

  9. Oh, how cute! Love this! You are on a roll!

  10. I love this one Kelley!! SO sweet! :)

  11. Adorable Kelley, that bright blue is the perfect pop!

  12. What a great Pug painting, Kelley. The blue background was a nice choice and I know Paco must love it!

  13. love, love , love, love this!

  14. The mama pug's expression is so loving! The blue background truly compliments the pugs and the mood. Lovely and touching. :-)


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