
Friday, January 4, 2013

#4, Someone's Fine Evening, 8x8 Inch Oil Painting of Whiskey by Kelley MacDonald


Oh, the fun I'm having with Leslie Saeta's 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge!  But I decided that the weekends could be for cocktails, right?  (That's Rhode Island talk, BTW, making a statement, and then saying "Right?").  So, here's some whiskey, and inexplicably men seem to like a nice cigar with it.  I am letting go of a lot of my 'rules' of painting, or actually just letting them run in the background, so I am simply reacting to the subject and enjoying myself.

My little pug, Paco, is not feeling too well these days.  Spare him a thought, would you?  Thanks... and enjoy the day.


  1. Oh poor Paco! I do hope he is on the mend right away.

    Love the colors in the whiskey glass. For some reason an image of Al Capone comes to mind!

  2. Tell Paco I am saying a Pug prayer for him. My husband loves scotch and cigars. He would approve of this painting. Happy New Year!!!

  3. Love this painting, and love your idea of letting the rules go, and having fun! I am with you, besides that, I have a hard time remembering all the rules, in the first place!!


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