
Monday, March 5, 2012

Martini's Over, 6x6 Inch Oil Painting of Olives

This was a demo for my recent workshop.  I've been away for a few days, in NYC with my husband, taking in the sights and having a lovely dinner with fellow blogger and fabulous artist Nancy Hartley and her husband, who were in from CA.  We visited the Hispanic Society to see Sorolla's murals, and 4 other of his paintings.  And we walked, I swear, 500 miles.

We had dinner at the Salmagundi Club, which is affiliated with the Providence Art Club, and they were having an Art Auction with some beautiful work.  They have some beautiful pieces in their collection as well.
Everywhere we went in New York, we had good experiences.  People were so friendly, so kind.  Maybe I just expected it and it was so.  

One thing I really wanted was some exquisite perfume I used to get all the time and you can't get it in Boston or Providence.  Apparently they have discontinued it - although it has been around for a long, long time.  I was ... unhappy... and basically talked the ear off the salesman in one of the really big dept. stores on 5th Avenue.  You know, the kind you feel like one of the unwashed masses the moment you walk in.  Well, this salesman listened, then took my contact info and promised if they reissued it he'd contact me.  And still, I lamented.  Whined.... and suddenly he asked me to wait right there and he literally climbed in a little closet hidden behind the counter and was there a LONG time... and came out, put his finger to his lips (shhhhh) flashed a big flask at me with the name of my perfume taped across the front, and quickly wrapped it tissue and stuffed it in my bag.  I don't think I closed my mouth till I got back out on to the street.  He GAVE me one of the last bottles of the perfume!  


  1. What a wonderful trip...Sorolla, dinner at the Salmagundi & a secret bottle of your favorite perfume. Sounds like heaven to me. Then you top it off with delightful Martini painting. You go girl!

  2. What a fabulous post! What a cool salesman! What he doesn't know is that he probably just got himself a customer for life by that kindness. And this is my kind of martini!!

  3. Wonderful post! Love the painting- awesome composition and title! Always love your olives- they have such personality!
    Happy Early Birthday!! And I am dying to know WHAT perfume that is! What a nice man and story!!

  4. Such a fresh painting! Love your NYC stories.

  5. Love the olives in the glass...beautifully done! LOVE the story! So glad you had a great time! Happy, happy!

  6. You are so right! I have his card and am going to write his supervisor about what great listening skills he has - although I will not specifically mention that he gave me the bottle - in case that's not something he should do!

  7. Great martini and next time I really want something I'm bringing you along.....what a story.

  8. Love it Kelley! What a great story! Cant wait to smell the perfume.

  9. What a fantastic trip and the perfume story is over the top. You are one lucky girl and a very talented artist. Love the olives. I have a similar martini glass and I keep camellias in it this time of year.

  10. See Kelley? We New Yorkers rock! I've been telling you that since i met you 27 years ago. Sometimes i really miss it ( then i wake up.....)

  11. OH! You've got my interest piqued! You're going to have to email me!!! o OH wait.... the Irish Royalty, right?!

  12. How much fun to get together w/ Nancy. I get together w/ her when I'm in San Francisco visiting our daughter!

  13. Kelley, Beautiful work, and wonderful post! I love your story about the perfume, and am dying to know what kind it is! Thank you so much for mentioning me, and your kind words!! We loved getting together with you and Tim! Thank you so much for meeting us, and picking such a great restaurant!!

  14. This is a perfect post, ma chère! You have a delicious painting, tale of a romantic weekend, and a delightful story of perfume. I'd say that covers it all!

    There are some websites that can get discontinued perfumes from time to time. So glad that you will not need any for some time to come. What a treasure you found!


  15. Glad you had a "Wow" kind of weekend. What a great perfume story!

  16. Now that's amazing customer service!! Gives this little mid-westerner and different view of NYC. Sounds like a wonderful trip! You have such fun!


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