
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sign In The Clouds, 5x7 Acrylic Painting

Did you ever go through a really hard time in life, and you either needed to know if you were on the right path or you just needed to know if you were doing the right thing?  Well I have, and I bet you have, too.  One winter when we lived on the beach my Dad was living with us, and was declining,  and it was very hard - for all involved.  One day I didn't think I could do one more day - looking back I think "Of COURSE you could!" - but I asked for a sign that it would be all right.  That I would and could be up to the task.  And I walked on the beach in the very early morning, praying and thinking, and I looked up and saw this.  I took it as a sign of love.  My digital image is long gone (2 computers ago), but I made a print of it to paint from.
My alternate name for this was "Hope".  Think it is better?


  1. Kelley, I LOVE this ... the painting and the story. When we're in relationship with God He speaks to us all the time through the people and world around us. You were looking for it and you saw it, what a blessing that must have been. Beautiful! And my two cents' worth is, I really like the title "Hope."

  2. Great painting & story, Kelley. Don't we all wish for that sign guides us in the right direction. God does speak...we just have to listen.

  3. You know, I don't know that I could say it any better than Karen said it. From first word to last, I agree with her.

  4. Very touching story and a nice painting! It is amazing how if you just look, there are signs everywhere! Being an artist certainly helps us "see" those signs more often than most, I think!

  5. I love, love, love this. So moving and so beautifully painted. We all need hope! So glad you shared your will give many the sign they need to persevere through the toughest of times. thank you so very much.

  6. What a wonderful story, I always think that we get just what we need if we play close enough attention to see it. Sometimes it takes getting so low that we have no choice but to be still and quiet for hope to reveal itself. Thanks for sharing such an affirming story and beautiful painting. It was just what I needed this morning!!

  7. Beautiful. I like the title HOPE too.
    The signs are out there we just have to look up!

  8. I can absolutely identify with this beautiful painting and beautiful story. How wonderful to get just what you needed when you needed it most. Thanks for sharing, Kelley

  9. I like sign in the clouds. It says what you describe. Don't you just love moments like that? Ask God a question and know you're getting an answer? Lovely story.

  10. That is a beautiful painting! I love the colors in the sky. And your story is so inspiring. Reminds me to really look around for the evidence that life is good and all will be well even though it might not seem like it at the time.

  11. I bet you were just Godsmacked when you saw the cloud formation. I know I would have been. I suppose we are all more powerful than we think we are, but seeing a cloud in the shape of a heart is a wonderful reminder. Thank you Kelley. Love the painting.

  12. When I opened this on my phone -in bed- ;) this morning I went- WOW.
    Love the way you see things my dearest.

  13. Kelley, I love this painting, and this story. The idea of looking for signs is so hopeful, and encouraging! Your example is an inspiration to us all! Wishing that all of your dreams come true!!

  14. I'll join the others and say I love this Kelley! I think you should a series of these and I would love to buy a set of notecards with this image!

  15. As I'm getting older too quickly I'm just thankful that I have two daughters who are a whole lot like you. Well done girl!

    1. Aww, Ray, I only 'know' Kim, and I'm flattered that you put us in the same category! Thank you for your wonderful comment!

  16. Awesome....the painting and sharing your experience...thanks. A bit of beauty and perspective for today, appreciate it!

  17. This is one of the most beautiful paintings I have ever seen. The colors are spectacular, and I love that is painted in acrylics. So many people say you can't get the flow in acrylics, but you proved them wrong. Love it!!!

  18. That's beautiful. Nature is fantastic. Love was *truly* in the air : )

  19. This is so beautiful. I know so many who need hope and I wish for them to see your painting.

  20. Oh this is a great inspiration for those who will see it and gain a little hope. I like it for the story which precedes it also. Very best wishes. Love your color palette.

  21. That is a beautiful painting Kelley and your story behind it.
    Love is everywhere.


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