
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"Puggie Love", 6x6 Inch Oil Painting of Pug Dog


This Month my Challenge Group, Girls Just Wanna Paint had the topic "Love, appropriately enough for February.  I ran though the list of the usual things you'd think of - weddings, babies, romantic themes, but then.... there's this face that faces me every day, all day.  At 2:30 in the morning, if I open my eyes, this is what I see, in the dark.  First thing in the morning, last thing at night - the smile and adoring eyes never quit.  When I'm cranky, when I'm sick, when I'm annoyed (or when I'm annoying - yes, it happens) there is never a pause in the love.  Oh, Paco!

So!  As tough as it was to choose the subject, once I started it just flowed off the brush.  This painting will be seen in our group show at the Bumpus Library in Duxbury, MA in May and June.


  1. Dogs just know how to love perfectly, completely, and blindly, don't they? I would love to wake up to that face! Paco is beautiful, Kelley!

  2. What a great painting of Paco and a true example of unconditional LOVE!

  3. Hooray for that kind of love! It's THE best kind....what a wonderful portrait of your cherished pooch....Love those eyes!

  4. What a wonderful rendition of Paco--you are such a super artist and dog mama in every way. For something you love in "Philosophy Class"--one student brought her two year old son. The whole class applauded after she introduced him. I couldn't choose between Atticus and BeBe so I took a wick basket full of paint tubes.

    1. Oh, Jerry, I could never choose between Atticus and BeBe, either, they are both so sweet! Paint tubes are perfect!

  5. What a great face...and those captured those eyes perfectly! Love this.

  6. Of course you had to paint choice. Great painting.

  7. Aww. cute painting. Great way to be loved!

  8. Nothing better than puppy love. SO true!

  9. hi kelley!
    oh it is fabulous!
    i hope this pug painting is NFS because it is for you to keep!

  10. He's just adorable! Lovely.
    Happy Painting.
    you did a great job with his tongue...! I've painted dog's tongues before.... not easy!


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