
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Carnation, 6x6 Inches, Oil


Last week at the workshop in my studio this was one of the demo's.  First we painted the image as a value study.  Then we matched the colors we applied to the values of the study.  Good to do, as it keeps you on track in terms of values.  If your values (lights and darks) are off, the painting will not have the punch you hope it will.

I don't know about you, artist friends, but I am very excited about Wednesday's Artists Helping Artists Blogtalk Radio Show at noon, EST.  Carol and David Marine have an exciting announcement.  Hopefully while I am listening I will finally paint my Girls Just Wanna Paint Challenge - nothing like waiting till the last minute!!!


  1. What a pretty piece, Kelley! Wish I could hear the blogtalk show. Alas, I'm at work on the noon hour. Anyway, no surprise that this lovely work sold.

  2. Thank you so much! One wonderful thing about Artists Helping Artists is that they become podcasts (free) that you can listen to from your computer later or download to an iPod, etc.

  3. GREAT lesson! I did that same one with my class yesterday! It really drives home the lesson of how important correct values are! This little painting is a gem! Glad your workshop was such a success.

  4. So beautiful...I love the soft colors and the dark background that shows off the lovely flower perfectly. I will have to podcast the show also as I will be in class...can't wait to hear the news.

  5. Lovely colors and lesson Kelley. Great pink! Thanks for the heads up about the Marines.

  6. Love this sweet painting. Perfect background colors and values just let that pretty carnation shine.
    Can't wait to hear the announcement on AHA about DPW!

  7. Well, this certainly has plenty of punch--love it!!!

  8. Lovely piece...let us know the announcement of the show. I went to svaroopa!!!!1

  9. Love the gray background...just sets off the carnation perfectly. Love the brushstrokes defining the petals too.


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