
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Donut War Day! The End Of An Era!

All good things must come to an end, so the saying goes.  Susan Roden and I have had a wonderful time with the Donut War.  I would like to toast Susan, and wish her every success, and thank her for her friendship and sense of fun throughout our war.  Now... Peace in the Donut Zone!

No, this doesn't mean I'll stop painting donuts, don't worry!   And if you've wondered if I fell off the face of the earth last week... no... I was teaching wonderful artists at a workshop in my studio. We had SUCH a blast!  They produced some beautiful work!  See below:

There's more on Facebook - 'Friend' me, and take a look!


  1. Sorry to see it end but you & Susan provided lots of laughs & good paintings. Looking forward to seeing what's next.

  2. The donut wars were always such a treat...thanks for the memories! :)

  3. Sorry to see the war end, but peace is always welcome and better for us all! :-) You and Susan are both winners and we enjoyed every donut battle!

    I'll be checking out FB to see your students' work! It looks great here!

  4. I think you both need to sign an official donut treaty....that's what happens when you call a truce....until then, the rest of us warriors will be out there fighting for what is just and right.......GO DONUTS!

  5. You were teaching artists how to paint? How wonderful is that! What you share would be a gift for them

  6. Cheers back at you Kelley! Off to other adventures, but we'll play again soon . . . I have to loose a couple of donut pounds first.

  7. Of course the wars will be missed but now you must continue to enthrall us with other treats such as this glassy still life-super!

  8. How do you say you're sorry to see a war come to an end?

    I checked with the famed writer/historian, Doris Goodwin Kearns and in the published histories of the world there were never two more loving, skilled and caring combatants. The palette and brushes that they wielded had loving ferocity never before seen in the annals of art history.

    The Donut War of the early Y2K Era will surely be examined and debated by historians of all stripes. But throughout it all the two protagonists will be celebrated for their skills, artistic passions and colorful palettes!

  9. Your students did wonderful work, Kelley! I love your ending Donut Wars with a toast to your frenemy! Perfection! Except the vodka reminds me of that horrible marshmallow flavored stuff that I just had to try. Somehow, the addition to marshmallow flavored vodka is quite offputting! LOL I know that this is probably not that nasty stuff though.

  10. Fabulous painting- always love your olives and this whole composition is just one to toast to:) Your doughnuts are just a favorite also so glad to hear they will still be coming. Loved seeing all the wonderful work from the workshop- you are a fabulous teacher and they are lucky!

  11. I expected to see a doughnut and instead, it's a martini--too early in the morning for that. But despite the early hour, I love this painting. My husband's ultimate favorite drink is a martini, and he also loves your paintings.

  12. TOO funny! Well... we just may... stay tuned...

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Love your absolute and olive painting. The warm hues in the olive are set off so well against the cool colors. We have all enjoyed your doughnut war. Wish all wars could be fought with doughnuts.
    Thanks for sharing your workshop photos. Lucky students.

  15. Loved the Donut wars but peace is always good...on the other hand martini wars could work! hahaha. Will miss the Monday duel but happy to see the lovely martini glass with olives so beautifully rendered. And love the class pix...sounds like such a fun time.

  16. Kelley.i LOVE your olives/martini paintings...maybe I could Copy one for our LOVE theme! Guess I better get on that..great work and sounds like a wonderful for all,,you are a great teacher

  17. i love the donuts, but the booze is always good too.
    The virtual cocktail party may return?
    Students work is great!

  18. I was enjoying my glass of wine tonight until I saw your martini! I have martini envy!! That olive is killer!

  19. It has been fun. Cheers to all. Nice painting Kelley.

  20. Yes, but who's going to clean up this mess? All these donuts and cupcakes littered all over the battlefield. War is hell and it leaves a hell of a mess.

    1. Dave, did you not know I have a cat and a dog that are INSANE over cupcakes and donuts? I take Isabelle and Paco everywhere, to clean up the fields....

  21. Kelley! The donut war is over? Have to say I'm a little sad. It was fun while it lasted. I do really dig your martini though, nice job love the colors in this.

  22. I will miss the war but so happy to know that you'll still be painting donuts. And martinis, too, from the looks of it! They are among my favorite things!


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