
Monday, February 20, 2012

Good News/Bad News

Sunday began as a happy, happy day.  My friend and colleague, Lisa Daria Kennedy, was due to paint her 1000th consecutive painting for her blog!  We got together at Kennedy's (no relation) Gardens, a beautiful nursery in Scituate, MA.  I was late (no surprise there) and arrived just as they toasted Lisa's painting.  Check out her cheeky, fun and exuberant blog HERE.  I had about 1/2 hour to set up and get a painting done.  So I basically did an acrylic sketch of Lisa.  She doesn't really look like an elf.  She's gorgeous, funny and a fabulous painter.  Then we went to dinner at PJ's Country House where we drank (I mean ate) dinner.  We dominated the bar area - we did makeovers, shared lipsticks and played "I'll have what SHE's having..."  In short, a MEMORABLE evening.

When I got back to Sally's house and checked my email, however, I found that my friend, teacher and hero, Ros Farbush, had passed away.  She was almost 84, and still painting every day.  It hit me like a ton of bricks, as Paula Villanova and I had gone out with her the night before she left for her 3 month snowbird trip to Arizona.  We made plans to hit a nice Deli in Brookline this Spring, and agreed to have yet another Jeep Trip to Provincetown with Mary Sheehan Winn.  There seemed so much to DO with Ros this year.  Paula and I had visited Ros 3 times in San Miguel, MX for painting trips.  We all went to Holland, so Ros could paint the tulip fields.  Our blog about it, which we nicknamed "Schlepping Ros" (and she LOVED that title) is HERE.  Below are shot of Ros with Valerie Vitali, Lynn Rizotto, and Paula more, on our many, many painting days:
Ros and Paula on our last Jeep Trip...

Me, Ros and Valerie enjoying Ros' favorite Bloody Marys

We cared little for fashion when we were baking in the Ptown sun, painting...

At Ros's condo, Ros painting the Red Sox game, and (Lynn in background)

While we all painted Ros (this was mine - she laughed!)


  1. Kelley, I am so sorry to hear about your dear friend. What an inspiration she must have been. Just reading about her and seeing the photos here I know I would have loved her, too. She will be missed by so many. Thoughts and prayers to all of you. hugs ........

  2. I am so sorry about the loss of your friend, Kelley. She looks like she was such a fun person and an oh so fabulous painter! My heart goes out to all of her friends and family.

    I like your painting of Lisa, too. She looks cute!

  3. Kelley congratulations to Lisa and thank you for introducing us to your dear friend Ros. May we all enjoy artist friendships and adventures as you have described. Thank you for putting together the photo collage (know that had to be tough for you) Life is for living and knowing that Ros did it with such spirit and shared her joy with you should make you smile and help take away some of your sadness.

  4. Kelley- You did Ros proud and she would be honored. The love and affection you had for her just shines through your post and all the photos. Thoughts for you as you make your way through the loss of such a special friend. Y'all have such a wonderful community up there- lean on each other. Love the celebration for Lisa Daria- that is something special indeed.

  5. Love this post. The other good news is that you got to know Ros and now I know a little about her. She sounds like a fabulous woman. And Lisa...what can I say...she is amazing. So...lifting my OJ (it IS 7AM) in a toast to three great women!!! Cheers to Ros, Lisa and Kelley!

  6. So thrilled for Lisa--I am one of her blog followers. And sorry for the loss of your teacher. You will miss her, but the wonderful memories of the good times you had together will sustain you. Love ya!

  7. Thanks for sharing so much about Ros. SHe was a remarkable woman and painter. Such a loss and she will be missed.
    We must carry on and paint in her spirit !

  8. What a nice tribute to Ros, Kelley. She certainly was an inspiration to many.

  9. Rest in peace, Baruch Dayan Emet (blessed is the Judge of Truth....trad Jewish thing....)Ros Farbush. She was a legend in her own time, and you were so fortunate to be her friend and student.

  10. So sorry for your loss, Kelley. You'll have sweet memories of Ros that will last a lifetime though. How fantastic that she painted (and travelled and had fun) 'til the end, what an inspiration! Congrats to Lisa on her 1000th painting.

  11. Loss is always so hard. I'm sorry for your and all that loved Ros. She seemed like a firecracker! What a beautiful post about friendship and art. Congrats to Lisa - a wonderful accomplishment. And I have to say, I envy your painting group!! Did you meet through your blogs or did you know each other previously? Wouldn't it be cool if we could all meet for a giant painting weeekend so day? : ))

    1. We met through classes at either the North River Arts Society or the South Shore Art Center - and all the Openings, etc. We are lucky. Lisa, though, we met because she took Page's class... and the rest is history.

      Actually Lisa was thinking of how we could host a huge PainterGirl paintout here in New England - give everybody plenty of notice so they could save and plan! How great would THAT be?

  12. Beautiful sharing about our dear Ros..Man we will miss her.We have learned so much..mostly about being authentic..what a model
    Glad the 1000 day was so much fun

  13. What a lovely tribute to your friend! She would have been touched to have read it but I am sure based on all ya'lls adventures together she knew just how much you loved her. I had heard of her but wasn't that familiar with her work and when I saw your post on FB, I spent an hour looking through her work. WOW,is all I can say! She will surely be remembered through her fabulous art as well as her great personality and stories that you and her other friends will share for years to come.I think bad follows good to shore us up and give us strength sometimes. Wishing much peace & comfort to you.

  14. Ros was fortunate to have you as a friend. I love your painting of her.

  15. I loved reading your post about your friendship with your teacher. I know you all will will miss her, but you will remember all those wonderful times together. Thanks for sharing your memories.

  16. I'm so sorry to hear you lost your friend and painting buddy. She looks like she was full of energy and fun. Your post is a lovely tribute to her ...

    On a lighter note. Sounds like the celebration of the 1000 painting of Lisa's was a fun time and a great thing to celebrate.

  17. Loss of family and friends is hard. It is because she was a friend that you feel the loss. Keep celebrating the friendships before they become losses.

  18. Oh Kelley I'm so very sorry for your loss. WHat an amazing woman she was. I'll be thinking of you friend. *hugs*

    And I think you painted Lisa beautifully! Elves are gorgeous don't you know (although I don't think she looks like an elf at all)? Liv Tyler, Cate Blanchet, who wouldn't want to be an elf?

  19. Precious post! I am thankful for memories and photos! You know Kelley, you are so many people's 'Ros" including mine! Everytime I read your blog and see your paintings I learn something! Thankyou!! love love love

  20. Oh no Kelley- I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your dear friend Ros. When reading about her, I found myself thinking,"gosh, I hope I spend my 'upper years' like she did- pursuing her art and spending time with friends- she seems like such a wonderful person. I know she will be greatly missed!

  21. Hey Kelley,

    Many condolences to you on the loss of your dear friend, Ros. I can tell that she was a real, "fun-loving" person by the way how you captured her in both painting as blogging. It is definitely rough to lose somebody whom you are close to - even in the art field... You also did a cute capture of Lisa while she was painting. Thant sounded like a very fun party-"get-together".

    Thank you very much,


  22. Thank you for this post, Kelley, please accept my sympathy in the passing of your friend and teacher. She sounds like so much fun ... just the way I hope to be as I get to that age, and still painting every day as well. Congratulations to Lisa on her 100th painting and I really like your quick sketch ... very good for half an hour! (I like your comment about her not really looking like an elf ... made me laugh!)


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