
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Storefront, 6x6 Inches, Acrylic

It's the first of the month - time to check in on my Girls Just Wanna Paint Group!  This month our topic was 'Storefront' and in another life (i.e. another computer, that recently died) I had some great photos of storefronts in NYC - one, in particular, a tiered display of Barbie Dolls in identical pink princess outfits  in one window, and blue princess outfits in the next window - it was fabulous.  BUT.... they are somewhere on an external hard drive that I don't know how to access!  So here is a really fun shop in Provincetown, MA, at the very tip of Cape Cod. I was trying to stay very loose - which is much harder than you would imagine!   I love, love, love Ptown, so here's my 'ode' to my favorite spot on the Cape!


  1. This is such a fun painting. With all the details, I know it was hard to stay loose, but you handled it well. Love the color of the store.

  2. Love this storefront, Kelley! I can see why you like Provincetown! And I really enjoyed seeing how you wrap your paintings for shipping. Great information!

  3. the color! It looks so alive and the storekeep peeking out the door is such a nice touch. Love seeing this first thing the in the AM! Hope you get the hard drive cracked!

    1. Oh, my husband knows how to get at it.... :) Thanks Maria!

  4. You've captured the charm beautifully, Kelley! One day I'm going to travel the northeast, my personal dream spot to live!

    1. You'd better call me if you come!!! We'll have a painting date!

  5. i did a painting of the same thing!
    Love it... good times...

  6. You did a great job staying loose but representational on this piece. Love the colors and playful feel.

  7. I always love to see your colorful paintings! They really are fun! I'm trying to loosen up, too, and all I can say is UGH!!! It is soooo difficult. Just have to keep truckin'. :-)

  8. This is really fun. Nice and loose and spontaneous.


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