
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Donut War Day! White Flag Waving!

Here it is, Donut War Day~ and I'm reposting~ this painting will be part of Thayer Academy's upcoming Auction in March.  Alas, I have no 'new' painting to toss at Susan Roden... the flu had got me by the throat.  Many of you have emailed me and asked what was the reason for so few posts last week - it's a tough one, this flu!  Point goes to Susan this week absolutely!  Check out her volley here.  Hopefully it won't be too long till I'm up and painting.  You know I'm sick when I don't even THINK about it!  I missed the Duxbury Opening last night and the Providence Art Club Opening today.  WAH!

So I"m spending Sunday night curled up on my couch with all kinds of snacks and pets and Tim & I are cheering the Patriots on in the Superbowl, with raspy, coughing voices!


  1. I see the white flag, but think you still have me beat Kelley.
    Just wish you get better so we can play some more.

  2. Sorry you are under the weather. Get well soon and love the doughnut painting. Sorry about your team's loss last night.

  3. Funny how we all seem to catch the prevailing bugs around the same time. Glad you are feeling better though and hope that today finds you feeling almost back to normal!

  4. THANK you guys - working' on it - rest and fluids!

  5. OHMYGOODNESS I wondered where you were! Feel better soon! I hope Paco is taking good care of you.

  6. Always love your doughnuts! Really wonderful dark background on this one just makes it POP! Or Ooozze:) Hope you are feeling back up to par- it has been a bad bug for you! Hang in there and hope you have an amazing week!!

  7. Love the work...s sorry you are still under the weather...hope this week sees you getting much better.

  8. Nice painting, Kelley. I look forward to the donuts on Mondays. There was a big article in our local small town paper last week that we are getting a Dunkin' Donuts here opening the end of May in the old Blockbuster spot. Krispy Kreme watch out!
    I sure hope you feel better fast, that flu is nasty stuff and seems to go on forever.

  9. Kelley, I missed seeing your gorgeous new work, now I know! So sorry to hear about the flu bug, but glad to hear that you are on the mend! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!

  10. Sorry about the 'under the weather business.' Patriots, I just saw Giants, were the Patriots playing as well?
    And on a happier note, I'm just enjoying a coffee and one of your jelly-filleds (that hangs on my wall) as we speak. As a diabetic I am free to enjoy your doughnuts anytime.

  11. Ray, no matter how sick I am, you make me smile! Yeah - didn't you see Tom Brady's face sticking out from under a pile of those Giants uniforms??? Enjoy the jelly....

  12. Hope you are well soon. i was in Florida painting and in sympathy I ate a glazed doughnut. When they opened the box for us to select I immediately realized how I have been dreaming doughnuts on Monday since I have been following your blog. You can imagine my distress when there were no sprinkles or dripping jelly.I wanted to yell where's the bling!! Hope you are back to blinging those doughnuts soon.

  13. hope you're better, now. Love Kelley's Jellies.

  14. Are you serious? This painting is awsome- and we want a bite of it!
    We hope you feel better soon.

  15. Your donut look so yummy!
    I love how the filling just oozes out.

  16. The donut looks delicious. Please get well soon and take care of yourself so that you could post often.


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