
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Donut War! Jelly Heart, 6x6 Inches, Acrylic Painting of Dunkin Donuts Jelly

$125 & $10 S&H

Monday is my appointment with my Donut War Rival, Susan Roden, and this week... I am UNBEATABLE!  Because I "have a heart"!  Dunkin Donuts has started their ramp up for the big V day, and they had 3 different kinds of heart shaped donuts.  Well, the jelly had me at 'Hello'....  Take THAT, Susan! (Let's check out what she's slapping me with HERE!)

My daughter hosted Paco for the weekend in Boston, and I went to pick him up - I would have missed him more but was a bit under the weather - but was SO glad to see him (and vice versa!)  And as we arrived home, we came down the hill to see this view across from our house.  Sweet, no?

*Also I have added a new Page to the top of the blog - on how I wrap and package my paintings, for those of you that have asked!*


  1. Hearts of jelly donuts! Life is good and so is your painting! Susan will have to do some work to top this! :-)

  2. ALSO .... love your info on packaging! You've given me some good ideas. Thanks!

  3. Love the heart! Still looks ooey gooey and delicious...but more loving now!

  4. Love these jelly donuts. You and Susan have lots of fun. You may have one up on her with this one.

  5. Un gros bisou à vous avant mon départ...

  6. Who knew they made jelly donuts in the shape of a heart? And once again I am craving a darned donut!!

  7. Wow, what a glorious painting. I especially love the green background. You get the prize for the best valentine painting.

  8. Have a heart Kelley- haha- love this one! But I see that Susan found a Dunkin Doughnuts by her! Oh Oh!
    Love seeing your packing process- lucky customers!! Thanks for sharing that!

  9. Ah, who would believe a heart donut? Now I had a heart cookie last week, but not the same as a donut. Unfortunately I can't race to Albuquerque's DD for would take me a whole day. What is a girl to do?

  10. Who'da thunk it, a donut other than round. When it looks this good what's a traditionalist supposed to do but to adapt, drool, and enjoy it along with a steamy cup of black coffee.

  11. Kelley you are a great salesmen for DD. I didn't know they have heart donuts and now I want one. No DD in my neck of the woods though. I like the color you chose for the background on this one.

  12. Sneaky, Kelley. Send the heart donut (love) & then sock her with some jelly filling. Love it.

  13. the heart donut is awesome!!! <3

  14. I want one i want one.
    So sweet! Your donuts always surprise me!

  15. I knew I smelled donuts! And they look sooooo yummy!
    Thank you for visiting me and for your very sweet words!
    I read the post about Paco and the glass in his mouth!
    Thank goodness you got him to trade it for a meatball!

  16. what a glorious painting.You've given me some good ideas. Thanks!


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