
Friday, October 21, 2011

She's An OPI Red Girl, 6x6 Inches Oil Painting of Nail Polish

 I am entrenched getting the studio ready for 'company' on Sunday - The Warren Walkabout is from 12 - 5.  Lots of good studios to check out - including Debbie Gonville Miller!  Be there or be square.   Just sayin'...
ALSO I was interviewed for a really awesome blog called Carrie's Creations, she's an excellent artist who is beautiful inside and out... and her blog features.... well I'll let you discover Stephen and Sam yourselves...  Check it out HERE.
This was a demo from class today - our topic was taking a primary color and setting it against a grayed down complementary color.  I brought lots of props but we all painted OPI Red.  I bet you know someone who is a staunch OPI Red girl!  It is quite a true red, and just lovely.

Below are a couple of students' work - all I can say is they ROCK!

OK!  Here's Lynn Puckett's

And Leslie Lawrence's (and yes they both gave me permission to post!)


  1. I am such a sucker for anything nail polish and lipstick! This such a great little painting. The reds are luscious.

  2. Awh- fun seeing your students work. Great shadows and different values. Like the grayed down green against that red. Gotta love OPI colors and the names are always so fun and creative!
    Yay on the studio open house- sounds wonderful! Paco will rule!

  3. Not em sock em with your OPI. The highlights, the shadows, it's all great. Love it and loved your interview with Carrie. I'm so lucky to have you as a teacher:-)

  4. theses are wonderful and you are an amazing teacher!

  5. Love everything about this painting. It rocks!!! Hug Paco for me.

  6. Have a WONDERFUL Open Studio today Girl...

  7. Makes me wish I wore nail polish--fab painting.

  8. I recently found out that OPI and Sally Hansen's have the same owner. Who knew? Love your version, Kelley! And thanks for straightening me out about the two Kelley's. I can see that you do indeed have romantic bones! LOL Now...if I just had nice hands and nails, I'd probably be a staunch OPI red girl too!


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