
Monday, October 24, 2011

Strawberry Kewpie Donut, 6x6 Inches, Oil

Though the frosting on top of this strawberry donut was a little skimpy, they managed to make it cute with the little tuft of frosting on the top!  OK, I apologize for being a day late for the Donut War - and Susan Roden may have 'stormed the coffee shop gates' on me.. but I was a little busy with opening my studio for the Warren Walkabout.  Pics of the studio below:
The entry way to the studio...

A couple of works in progress, and the current Daily Painting table...

The long view of the studio, with the 'clearance' tables, and my friend Jane snuggled on the couch at the end, being very brave but struggling with a bad cold.

Paco, exhausted from entertaining, being 'supported' by my son Conor - who was a huge help to me...


  1. Wow! Great studio! Wish I could see it in person along with your paintings!

    How is Paco going to get along without his painting buddy next week? Really looking forward to meeting you, Kelley!

  2. Ahhh . . . a kewpie donut. Now you're styling the donuts Kelley? I'm really in trouble. Cute, cute, cute!

    Hope the walkabout was a success - love your studio? Can I come and paint in between us flinging frosting?

  3. The painting is great. And what amazing space for your paintings!

  4. Look at all the eye candy here! I have to tell you that last Friday I had a donut to end all donuts. It was a long one like this you've painted, but it had maple frosting and get this...! It had a long strip of bacon down the center of it. Not that flimsy fatty bacon but a hearty and meaty piece. Oh my word. To die for!!! (Now I'm craving donuts. Sigh...)

    Your son is cute and that Paco knows how to live. I'm having serious studio envy!

  5. Great strawberry donut, Kelley! What fun to see your fabulous studio, not to mention Paco and Conor-handsome as well as helpful.

  6. Love the pink frosted donut! Fun icing and always so yummy looking. You captured such shine:)
    Loved seeing your studio. Awesome space and so inspiring to see all the gorgeous artwork in every direction!. Wonderful light streaming in! Paco is the host with the most and wore himself out:)

  7. Studio looks great and that doughnut looks good enough to eat :)

  8. Ooh, pink is my favorite color. Lovely little dippity do.
    Wow, your studio looks wonderful. I'm a wee bit jealous. are doing Karin's workshop! You will love it. Have fun. Thanks for sharing all the pictures.

  9. Oooooh, thanks everyone! And yes, Carol - I'm headed to Hilton Head to study with Karin J next week! I"M SO EXCITED!

  10. Your studio looks for you to spread your wings. Have a great time with Karin, I'll be in HH later next month, a perfect spot.

  11. The studio looks wonderful Kelley. I was chillin' down the Cape with Sue Page Thompson and had to miss it.
    I hope it was fabulou$$ ;)


  12. Your studio looks absolutely fabulous. Can't wait to see it. Those Sakonnet Paintings are truly gorgeous.

  13. I absolutely love your studio. Can't wait to see it. The Sakonnet Paintings are truly gorgeous.
    What a treat.

  14. Love the sweet donut and pint frosting. Yummy. Miss them since I'm gluten free these days. Ahhh. Anyway, your studio if FABULOUS!!!! Hope you had a great walk-about. Am sure it was a big success. :-)

  15. Love that pink frosting and your studio is fabulous. Hope I get to see you at HHI. Don't forget to bring my painting if you have room.

  16. Kelley, your studio looks fantastic!!! Thanks for sharing the photos!

  17. Love the strawberry frosted donut, Kelley. Bought some last week for my students to paint, they just complained & in the end, I ate half of it. I'm going to paint one just to show them how much fun they can be. Yours always looks like you enjoyed the process.

  18. Both your studio and work look great Kelley.

  19. Wow, you studio looks wonderful. Love the wood beams and floors. What a great space. And your paintings look fabulous.

  20. This is beautiful and I love the rich blue background. You have an enviable studio, too!

  21. Looks fantastic, hope it was a success!! I especially like the blue chair under the blue chair painting. (:


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