
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lovers' Lane, 5x7 Inches, Oil Painting of Blithewold

Don't you just love "lovers' lanes?'  In the beautiful little town of Bristol, RI, there's a gorgeous 'summer home' mansion that's open to the public as a kind of museum.  They're preserved the house as it was long ago, with the gorgeous grounds, as well as furnishings inside.  On the side of the property leading down to the private dock, is Lovers' Lane.  When I first painted this, I knew I had a problem, because the camera could not focus - my values were all in the middle!  So I deepened the darks and lightened the lights, and now.... take someone's hand and go strolling beneath the canopy!


  1. Is this the same Kelley MacDonald that hates sappy, or so I read on Julie's blog? Does she know she is getting to you??? LOL This is beautiful, Kelley!

  2. Who wouldn't want to take a walk down this lane? We should give a nod of appreciation to those who had the foresight to plant those trees so we can appreciate them all these years later. Makes me want to go plant a tree. Treemendous painting Kelley.

  3. I've been there! What a beautiful spot. Are those sycamore trees lining the lane? Nice depth.

  4. Thanks, Jody! And, no, Kelley SANFORD is the sappy-hater - she's Southern Kelley. I'm Northern Kelley and I'm dripping with sap - have to keep it at bay at all times :)

  5. Lovely one, Kelley. Must be one of those Lover's Lanes in every city, we have one here locally too.

  6. Love this...want to walk here...think I have actually...nice colors
    I love your sappy side..but it is really a very compassionate, caring side..

  7. Lovers Lane- it is really sweet Kelley.
    we need to get your other camera back- make life easier.. !

  8. Nice painting!! Love the colors with the touches of red. And the yellow at the end of the path ..... I want to be there!

    Loved your interview with Carrie!!

  9. Nice painting- invites you in and would just love to take that stroll! Have loved reading your interview with Carrie also. So fun!


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