
Monday, August 8, 2011

Cerisnolla Olives, 6x6 Inches, Acrylic Painting

There's an Italian section of Providence called Federal Hill, and there are tons of restaurants lining the main drag (Atwells Ave.).  One of my favorites is Constantine's Venda Ravioli.  You can eat outside (al fresco?) facing a little square with a big fountain, or indoors, literally tucked into the shevles and bins of food prep utensils and cappuccino makers.  The entire center of the shop is a huge rectangle which sells cheeses, olives, prepared food and meats.  I was there last week and was captivated by the large, meaty black, red and green olives called Cerisnolla Olives.  A plate of different kinds of olives, some crusty bread, excellent olive oil and some cheese... what more could a person want?


  1. Love these little guys:) They look like they are shuffling along to an art show. Wonderful colors and the shadows are the best!! Sounds like a fun place to hang out. Perhaps they need some artwork on their walls?:):)

  2. A glass of wine? The colors in these olives are fantastic, Kelley. Lovely highlights and reflected light.

  3. Your olives have the best personalities...I want to go to that shop..then have dinner with you

  4. This painting is right up my husband's alley!! beautiful colors, Kelley!

  5. Yum. Great use of highlights and composition is terrific! Bravo.

  6. This is so well painted I feel like I could pick one up and eat it. Love the shadows.

  7. You guys are so great! Thank you so much! I'm afraid to eat them, as 'there goes my props!'!

  8. I love that olives come in so many colors. This is slammin'

  9. Love it all, the colors, composition, highlights, just a perfect painting!

  10. Sounds like my kind of dining! These colorful olives look like they just came out of of a bath in olive oil! Wonderful painting Kelley!

  11. Wish we would have know about this restaurant when our daughter was going to school in Providence...mighty tasty looking olives you have painted Kelley. Pass that crusty loaf of bread please.

  12. Yum. Love the rich colors for this distinct taste.


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