
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy Chair II, Oil, 18x24

This is not for sale - it's a gift to my husband.  You see, my painting trip to Maine was the day after our anniversary (34 if you must know!), so we kept our celebration low key - with dinner at a favorite restaurant.  No presents - I was too busy packing and planning!  When I came home, the next morning Tim asked if I wanted to go for a ride... well, I'd just driven home from Mid-Maine, but yeah, we always have good adventures, so I said sure.  He wanted to stop at the studio and I got a little...idgy.  I didn't FEEL like hanging around the studio.  I said I'd wait in the car.  "No.." he said, "I may be a while."  Well.  I kind of got annoyed.  Were we going for a ride or not?
Fast forward:  I went up to the studio with him, he opened the door - and there was this chair I have been LUSTING after at a local antique shop, and an additional gift of a charm bracelet (I didn't think he was listening...) I'd always loved.
I had a LOT of fun painting this - and the background ... well, you can click to enlarge it - it's kind of crazy - I was totally in a zone.


  1. What a sweetheart of a guy, very thoughtful. And this painting will be as treasured as the memory of this event! Congrats on 34 years!!

  2. Kelley, thanks for sharing this interesting 34th anniversary story! Your hubby is going to love this. It is lovely. Painting a wonderful memory. What could be better!

  3. Happy Anniversary!!!! Congratulations on being married to the same person for 34 years not to many people can say that!! And what a thoughtful hubby, that chair is amazing! This painting is even more amazing, you must paint this chair often. I love, love, love the way you handled the background also.

  4. Happy anniversary!!! Gorgeous painting - love the background. What a sweetie you married!!! xoxo

  5. Kelley, Your husband is a real sweetheart, but then so are you! What a thoughtful anniversary surprise! Best wishes for lots more happy years together!

  6. How wonderful!!!

    Happy anniversary. Isn't it great when it turns out they were actually listening to us???

  7. What an amazingly beautiful painting and so big:) LOVE everything about it. The chair and box are gorgeous. That background is the best ever- love the mosiac feel and all the shifts in it. Must be stunning in person. Lucky Tim to have this one and lucky both of you to have each other!! Congrats on 34!

  8. Love this painting, love the story, love the blue chair and the little bag in that well known shade of blue. You must have been over them moon about this. Please paint this wonderful chair often, I can see why you lusted after it.

  9. I agree with Nancy..two sweethearts deserve each other.Love the painting and love the whole darn thing...makes me smile and feel the boundless joy of life

  10. Wow Kelley. This painting just screams HAPPY. As you should be....You've got a great hubby and family....This is a wonderful painting. Love the background

  11. That is such a wonderful story....and a great painting.

  12. Perfect.
    Im forwarding to my husband

    ( wink wink(
    the painting is very happy!

  13. Well done, Kelley and congratulations on the anniversary.

  14. What a sweet, dear husband and what a sweet, dear chair. And I love the mosaic background of the painting. Painting all those little squares must have taken forever.

  15. Feeling the lurve from all of you! Thank you so much, and yes, Jerry, the 'mosaic' background took waaay longer than the chair! But I was listening to the Black Eyed Peas and time just slipped away....

  16. Oh my, how sweet is that. Cute chair. I bet you can use it in alot of paintings, Kelley. If he listens, you should hold onto him real tight.

  17. Love the chair! What a great guy! And, so thrilled to see such a large painting!

  18. first of all, your man is a keeper. second of all, it's obvious that you were in the zone..this is OUTSTANDING and quite possibly one of my favorites of yours and i have a lot! it's wonderful in every way possible and just done with such love. perfect!!!

  19. I loved this story and adore the painting which has joy in every brushstroke. Congratulations on your anniversary! So you were only 6 when you got married!? What a sweetheart of a hubby but what a great wife to have inspired him to give you such a thoughtful gift.

  20. great story, great painting and contgrats!

  21. Kelley, congratulations on 34 years! What a wonderful surprise for thoughtful! Love your painting. Well done!

  22. What a great hubby! Love the chair and the painting. Really like that cool background treatment.

  23. Beautiful! And that background is so cool!

  24. That's the most romantic story I have ever heard! I remember you talking about that chair.

  25. What a great painting (it has such a lovely quality to it hard to put into words) and a great story. Since lunching with you and Tim and seeing your studio last fall it is so fun because I can picture all these things now.

  26. Your choice of background for this painting is so perfect...seems to represent a collection, a mosaic of beautiful happy memories of 34 wonderful years together..Happy Anniversary!

  27. Happy, happy! I'm happy just looking at your gooooorgeous painting. Congratulations on your anniversary, Kelley!!

  28. Love it.
    Reminds me of a story about my parents where my father annoyed the heck out of my mother during a trip to what turned out to be a baby shower for baby #6 :D
    He was, of course redeemed by the nice surprise but......still
    Very sweet though.


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