
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fiesta Morning Break w/Jellies, 6x6 Inches, Oil Painting

Another casualty in the Donut War with Susan Roden - OH!  So drippy and sweet!  The Fiesta cup is part of a gift from a good friend, Jane, who I reconnected with on Facebook a couple of years ago - literally we hadn't really seen each other in a decade - maybe two!  We were kindred spirits when we both worked for a law firm in the 70's  - YOW, that's a long time ago!  Then I moved away, then she moved away, etc. etc...  and it was so great to 'discover' her again.  So.... Facebook can be a pain, and annoying, but it can also be a GOOD thing!  As in... does everybody want to know what I'm cooking for dinner?????  I'll save you the click to FB.... Hamburgers & Sweet Corn, and Tomato Salad!


  1. I just wish I could find "real" donuts that look as good as yours do.

  2. OK, I want to eat this and I have to buy a painting from you soon. Can I beat the open studios rush?
    Will be here next weekend and on Friday the 19th...
    Would like to hang it for open studios...

  3. I am the aforementioned Jane & wanted to reiterate the rave for Facebook. So glad to have found Kelley again. She & I are like twins separated at birth and again in the 70's-except she is an AMAZING artist and I can't draw stick figures. We both have a Fiesta obsession but Kelley is much more creative using hers. Great contrast between the mug and donuts!

  4. You are the best jelly painter ever! So yummy dripping out of the luscious doughnut.
    I definitely think there are wonderful things about facebook. Just hide those folks who give us a little too much info.

  5. Yummy!!!!!! Way to work in those complimentary colors (or split compliments). I love teal and red and works so powerfully here. Nice gooey donut and great composition!!! Have you ever done a really large painting of your donuts? Could be quite impressive. I see a gallery full of them. :-)

  6. Hi Kelley, Another mouth-watering, stunningly beautiful creation! I'm not a jelly donut fan in real life but you certainly make them look fantastic:) The contrast of colors is great, terrific modern combo!

  7. Yummy doughnuts and yummy painting--lucky friends to find each other again. Also glad you're my friend.

  8. Kelley, I can't believe that jelly! I want to to reach out and touch it! It looks so real, all sticky and oozy! So fantastic, I just love it!

  9. For those of us trying to diet, you're killing us. But this is one heck of a way to die. Great edge work. Hard, soft, sticky, gooey. Ok, so the last 2 are "technically" art terms but way to go.

  10. That jelly dripping out is making me put my finger out...and scoop it away. So well done you manage that ooey gooyey effect amazes me.

  11. What! you had jellies without me? I just have to find a bakery real soon you have made my mouth water with that wonderful painting. :P

  12. I think I've put on at least ten pounds getting caught up in this war between you and Susan. I'm going to have to start hanging out at Carol Marine's blog to get my fill of fresh fruits and veggies.

    Very nicely done. The jelly looks so good that I'm tempted to touch the screen to see if it's real.

  13. Love the pale turquoise with the deep red jelly. The dark background really adds drama. So nice!

  14. Love the in your face perspective of these jellies- maybe that is why everyone wants to reach out and snag some of that juicy filling?! You do doughnuts like no other- amazing. This is just the best painting in edges of every sort! Love the glazey effect on the cup. Friends are indeed a treasure and I am lucky to call you one:)

  15. One of my favorite mugs and I like your point of view on this and the color combination. How do you set up a still life like this in your studio to get that angle?

    On the latest post, I know that place in Federal Hill all too well - delicious.

  16. No one paints jelly like you...scrumptious! Great work on the cup too. Love that blue next to the bright red jelly.

  17. Kelley went out and bought a DD Jelly donut after seeing this painting, Hey you are killing my attempt at a
    diet...Ha ha ...can you paint stalks of celery and a few salad greens instead ..your tempting power of suggestion paintings will have fewer calories.


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