
Friday, May 20, 2011

Thursday's Demo

This was a demo from this week's class.  It was all about painting on black canvas or panel.  I was reminded how much I like using a black canvas - and letting little snips of lines of the black paint act as kind of an outline.  This painting is a loose copy of one by M. (I think) Svob, from his book "Paint Red Hot Landscapes That Sell".  I like his a LOT better, but I am pretty sure he wasn't trying to do his in 45 minutes, as a demo :).  My students absolutely, positively ROCKED using this method, which had you use the correct value, in any color you wished.  The paintings had a mosaic feel.  We worked from black and white photos and let our imagination run wild.  Fun, fun, FUN!


  1. This is awesome, Kelly. I like that black outline effect, too. The colors in this just pop. I've never tried painting on black. Now I think I'll have to give that a try.

  2. Another of those books sitting on my bookshelf-I looked at all the great pics. Maybe I better read it this time.
    Kelley you did a fab job, especially with a time limit.
    My favorite part is the road with shadows and the lavender painted at the far most point like a reward for the eye.

  3. I agree with Virginia..might have to give it a try..this painting is VERY alive and it Kelley

  4. I too love this- fresh and fun.
    Hope to see more of these!

  5. So radiant and vibrant!!! Love the workshop theme of painting on black and using black and white photos and just imagining the colors. That's just fabulous! Imagination is powerful. And the results dazzling.

  6. I have seen Mike paint in person at an art festival here in Canada and he paints really fast! Your painting is fabulous, Kelley, I think you really captured his technique and this piece is very eye catching.

  7. so fun! doesn't every color look just great on black? a good inspiration to try this again myself.

  8. Great painting. I saw some beautiful work in a Texas gallery where the artist had painted on black, leaving lines as you have and then she went back in and accentuated the black lines using a little squeeze bottle of black paint. Great effect.
    Thanks for sharing this!

  9. Kelley, so fun! I love this! Just brilliant! You are an inspiring teacher to come up with this! What a fun assignment. I'd love to see the other pieces done in class.

  10. Fun piece Kelley, your students must have enjoyed it too!

  11. Fun and wonderful- you will so enjoy Karin Juricks workshop in the fall. I love painting on black and the effect you get- graphic with a punch! My favorite here is the light on the sidewalk and the side of the orangey house. Best is the split light shadow on the front eave of the orange house. Gosh your students are lucky- do they know that??!!

  12. What a fun piece, Kelley. Sounds like you have very fun and inspiring classes.

  13. BRILLIANT! there's so much i love about this exercise! i love the palette so much. i'd love to see what your students did as well. your classes sound not only informative but great fun! great painting!

  14. Another wonderful painting. Your shadows are perfect, and I love the vibrant colors of the houses.

  15. Would love to take your class! Love this ..... that's all.

  16. This is so outstanding and bright. Love it


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