
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ptown Bike Ride, 6x6 Inches, Oil

$100 & $10 S&H

Once again on the black background - it's so different, but makes me really think!  Everything is so exciting right now.  My friend Nancy Colella is in NYC taking Karin Jurick's class.  I can't wait to see  what she does there!
And on Friday I'm off to Sedona for a painting week.  I'm so excited I can hardly think!  Please send grilled salmon and steak tips to Paco to comfort him in my absence..... (that's his favorite, along with pizza bones.... :)


  1. Have a blast and say hi to Carol for me!
    Love the blackround!

  2. Love bike ride!- very graphic quality and the colors just pop. I learned painting on black from Karin Jurick too and always like the result. Somehow does make us "see" better/different. I like this composition and the whole color palette.

  3. I love it. The colors pop and I like the graphic quality of it.

  4. The colors in this painting just "pop" and I am guessing from your notes that the black background adds to this effect... love the angles and the composition!


  5. oooh! loving the bright colors! nice!

  6. Oh I'm so happy for you Kelley, you're going to have a blast. And I LOVE your last 2 paintings. The colors are awesome, so much fun:)

  7. Very cool....sedona? I think Kim VanDerHoek is there too? Are you gonna hook up with her?....come to think of it, you are almost to Cali....why don't you drop by?

  8. Kelley! love this painting!!! The colors are dreamy! I see this man bike and he reminds me of vacation. Fabulous color, a leisurely ride... it says holiday! My favorite word. I love this!

  9. I absolutely LOVE the color scheme in this little painting. It's so delightful!

    I'm also jealous of your upcoming trip to Sedona. Have a great time! Can't wait to see what you produce there.

    And if you want to ship Paco to me while you're gone, I'll see that he gets grilled salmon, pizza bones and outings on the beach; but I don't do steak.

  10. What great colors! The black background really works well with it!
    Have fun in Sedona! Pizza bones - also my dog's favorite treat!

  11. Hi, Kelley, I LOVE these last two paintings on the black background ... isn't it fun! Your colors are joyful and balanced, a great combination. And I love the subject matter. Sedona ... I'm green with envy! (or maybe I should go fauvist and be bright pink with envy!) :)

  12. Love these unexpected colors. I am a big fan of Mike Svob and sometimes wish I was brave enough to push color as he does. I am so jealous of your painting week in Sedona.

  13. Very exciting painting and upcoming trip! Bon voyage!

  14. i so envy your excitement! there's nothing like an artist being excited about her work! this is just amazing, i love this new direction. enjoy sedona! raz and blu will send pug love to paco!


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