
Monday, April 18, 2011

Them Chickens' 'Jackin' My Style, 6x6 Acrylic

Credit for the title goes to the Black Eyed Peas... it's a song that gets stuck in your head, called "Boom Boom Pow" (or Boom Boom Boom.. ).  Anyway these little guys are very curious about each other, aren't they?  They are, of course, Rhode Island Red chicks.  It was great fun painting their fuzzy feathers and their soft little bodies...


  1. these are sweet and fluffy!
    Is this for fluff?

  2. sweet..captured the fuzzy feathers so well

  3. They just make me say awwwww. Great colors

  4. This couldn't be any cuter! I love it!

  5. Kelley, these are just too cute! Great job with the edges in this painting.

  6. Amazing job on the feathery chicks! Love all the colors and those little faces:) Really like the shadow colors- also background really complements this chicks!

  7. How darling! Love the color contrasts. You captured these little chicks perfectly.

    I remember once at my grandmother's house, lying on the back porch on my tummy with my arms making a circle that enclosed about ten little chicks. I'd never seen any before, and I adored their softness and quiet little peeps.

  8. This is a great painting and how appropriate as we approach the Easter season. Love the blue of the sky.

  9. This is aso sweet! it really feels like fluffy feathers. Nice composition and colors.

  10. I just love these Kelley - just in time for Easter, too. I spent about 2 hours yesterday following our chickens around the yard trying to get photos - it's really hard! Love these little guys - just adorable. Great job!

  11. Love these little Rhode Island Reds! You captured that quizzical look they have . Ummmm... if chickens could talk...????

  12. Cute! I like the composition and the blue background really makes it pop.

  13. Wow those birds and lively and adorable. I love your color scheme. It really makes the bird the central theme of the work. Beautiful work.


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